The tie up would be between Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask. OoT and MM are both exceptionally superb. Personally, I like MM better. It has a unique gameplay style and feel. However, from what I've read, it seems that the mass majority of people like OoT better, but to each his own. Read some reviews, watch some gameplay videos, and go with whichever. I'm sure you'll be happy no matter the choice- they're both amazing games. Get one now. Be amazed. Get the other later.
I ended up getting one as a gift, in a way I had a choice between the PS3 or Wii. I chose the Wii because I don't nearly have as much time to play as I did in the past, and because I think my sister would enjoy it more than a PS3, since she'll be the main person playing it.
Thanks for the replies guys. I plan to play online, so if I'm gonna set up the internet connection, I might as well check out the browser. I thought setting up the browser and playing online were two different processes- as I don't have a Wii yet (but getting one pretty soon). From what I've read, it sounds like it can do just what I need and nothing more. I wanna just kick back on the couch, browse some forums, read some articles, check email, and watch some videos. If it can do all that, then I'll be perfectly content. The joy of browsing the internet from my couch under a warm blanket on a cold night beats typing stiffly on my freezing ass-frostbite-provoking chair in my room. Go technology.
How good is the internet browser on the Wii? In other words, how's the functionality? I heard it's very stripped down and limited. If it's that bad, I'll just not bother setting up the connection for browsing the internet and stick with my computer.
I'll be receiving a Wii soon, basically as a gift. I've never really been following Wii, so I have no idea what's good on it. Anyone recommendations? What are the must haves? I'm into RPG and FPS games, if that helps. Thanks much. :)
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