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Project-Inferno Blog

soadrock2 is a very naughty boy!

Check my old profile soadrock2. !!! Lmao its hilarious. Basically this happened cause it took Gamespot like a whole friggin year to work out i was underage. Funny eh cause I had been old enough to join for basically most of my time on gs. Rather amusing i must say :P


I'm Annoyed Again - GOTY (wtf no way)

Gears of War got the Game of Year.

Exploit This. After having Gears since X-Mas day, in all honesty to you I've played it at most for about 1 hour and a half. Let me tell you this, my first thoughts were, awesome. But seriously, I'd rather play all 3 of my other games than break in this games.

In all honesty to you i dont see what the big hype is with gears. You guys can't moan at me because I have played it, ive got it, okay it has the best graphics ive seen in a game. And the 'A' button is pretty cool used in the game. But geez, we've seen msot of it before. Its a good game but serious GOTY should've been Oblivion, you all know its true (apart from those who havent played it) and Dead Rising in nominees, GS are so retarded, it didnt even get an 8.5!!!111

Bye Bye

So, Maybe I Was Wrong About Gears'.... (and other stuff)

Well its 13:10 right now on Boxing Day, i've had most of my x-mas presents and so far its been hella awesome, I've had 4 games;

Burnout Revenge

Gears o War

Tony Hawk's Project 8

WWE SD vs Raw 07

And the following movies;

King Kong (05)

Dawn of the Dead (04)

Stay Alive

I only asked for King Kong but the other 2 are cool.

I got one of the best presents from my sister though, A nintendo belt buckle, ok it sounds lame but it so damn cool, i've gotta post a pic of it sometime. I got mostly everyhting i asked for also including the 50 greatest games of all time book, which surprisingly doesnt have Metroid Prime :S but its still hella cool.

Well thats about it for now, enjoy your pressies and stuff, Merry X-Mas and a happy new year!

Oh and in relation to the title of the blog Gears of War rocks, and i was wrong, it doesnt deserve 9.6 but it is truly awesome!

Resident Evil

Played it? It is awesome but if you haven't I recommend you do. The re-make I mean.

Here are 10 things you should know about Residen Evil on GC.

10. If you don't have the guide, your screwed.

9. You could say it's more of a puzzler

8. There is only about 50 zombies, even less probably.

7. Its a backtracker from hell.

6. It is biased toward women.

5. search everything, I mean it, you gotta look for anything weird.

4. The bosses are so easy.

3. Don't play at night time.

2. Hiking is the choice for n00bs.

1. Don't shoot everything.

Stupid n00b

n00b, we all say it, some of us may even be n00bs... but my friends at school have started using the term, they don't even know what it means, using it as if they've known about it for ages. Half of them don't even play games. Its all because of some stupid mafia game they all play. I hate the way people do stuff like that. Next they'll be saying they heard it before me....

Anyway, in my last blog I said that i'd pre-ordered WWE: Smackdwon vs Raw 07, well turns out im getting that for X-Mas instead now, the same day I ordered Smackdown, i searched for Burnout Revenge on ebay. Well I ended up getting that aswell. I was all ready for just buying that game, then I thought I may as well get it for X-Mas too. It came yesterday and my mum told me I should just check that it worked and stuff.

I played it for about 10-15 minutes to make sure it wasn't gonna freeze up on me, and honest to god - it's amazing. The game is just hella fun, I didn't want to give it back to my mum but I did, I played 10minutes and can already guess what my GotY could be.

Well I saw NeoJedi mentioned GotY in his blog, so I thought i'd tell you mine. Honestly its out of 3 games. Oblivion, Burnout and Spartan:Total Warrior.

Spartan Total Warrior,? I hear you say. Well honestly it's nothing more than a hack 'n' slash, and stuff, but oh my theres something about it that I just loved, i sold it ages ago, but regret it sorta. It probably won't be my GotY but I can telly uo its one awesome game indeed.


Resident Evil 4 - Review!

Yep i've finally finished, this one is the longest i've done. And i think you'll be surprised just to see how fair i am even thought its the 2nd best game ever :P

My friend stayed round yesterday, we had hella fun, we filmed some hilarious things on his mobile which we'll upload onto youtube very soon, be sure to check it out.

P.S - I orderded WWE Smackdown vs. Raw 07 today for xbox 360, it'll come either wednesday or thursday =)

Review Time

Now, I have reached level 3 (lol) I can officially start writing proper reviews, all my others were either good or poor. I want to write brilliant reviews like my GS friends to even rival gamespot's own. My first review shall be Resident Evil 4 for gamecube, which'll be up soon.
