Great game. Nuff said. Go buy it. I won't spend 20 minutes writing this, because I should be playing it. So, go buy it! Now, actually.
Projekt_Zeer-O Blog
Newww updattee
by Projekt_Zeer-O on Comments
Alright so I haven't posted a blog entry for a while. But I'm feeling up to it so here it goes.
It the time I have been away, I have stockpiled enough games to store in a columbian drug lord's compound, so I won't be mentioning them or adding them to my game list right now (lol).
However, I HAVE gotten a PS3 [Slim] and will mention those.
The most notable game, and the one I'm playing now, is Final Fantasy XIII. I love it, great game, and the soundtrack, as always, is perfect. Alongside FF13, I also have inFamous, FEAR 2, Oblivion [goty ed], Fallout 3 [goty ed], Operation Flashpoint DR, Saint's Row 2, LBP [goty ed], SH: Homecoming, Batman: AA, DA:Origins, Assassin's Creed 2, MGS4, God of War Collection, and the Godfather 2.
Anyway, I have amassed a giant collection of X360 games, 97 to be exact. A lot of them are crap, but then again, a lot of them were free/donated. So with this overwhelming collection and not having time to or have played them all, it's rather annoying. I have thought about giving them away, but...I might sell some and get money for Red Dead Redemption, which brings me to the next topic.
I don't feel a need to restate this topic because that would be confusing, illiterate and it would make me feel uncomfortable. I am trying to sound smart. (amidoingitrite?)
ANYWAY. (lmao) I am a HUGE sandbox/openworld/freeroam video game fanatic, sandbox is to me as star wars is to george lucas.
Now, it saddens me, but I wanted FF13 so I bought that and changed my plans.
What were my original plans, you ask? (Even though you probably didn't and think right about now I'm annoying)
Well, I WAS going to buy Just Cause 2 (again, sandbox) and then get Red Dead Redemption and THEN get FF13. However, after watching friends of friends play it I wanted it uber bad. So now, instead of getting JC2, I have decided, since FF13 is well over 100+ hours (if you're me) of gameplay, it will hold me down until RDR. So Red Dead is the next game I shall be purchasing.
Umm, I think that's about it! :) Like I said I have a PS3 now, so add my PSN if you like. OH! That reminds me, for the longest time I had my GT on GameSpot for my X360 wrong, believe it or not (and by longest time, I mean since I've been here [a good few years?]) so that's pretty bad. Anyway, I've updated it! My PSN is also here (down there somewhere vvvv)
Anyway, I hope to be actually writing more blogs and posting on GameSpot because GS is my homie. See ya!
Games Update - I'm Lazy
by Projekt_Zeer-O on Comments
Well, I really really really want to update my game list here on GameSpot. But seeing as how I'm extremely lazy and have to many games, I don't feel like listing them all.
Oi vey.
Well, I've amassed quite a few games. Some ones I think are worthy of noting are Fable II, [Prototype], Prince of Persia, Mass Effect, Mirror's Edge.
Mind you, those are the games I've gotten in between my previous blog post and NOW. So yeah. :/
Holy Prototype Batman!
by Projekt_Zeer-O on Comments
So, Prototype is coming out next week and I'm going to get my hands on it :D Also, I broadcast games LIVE and do a LIVE Game Podcast over @ THE SHOW URL is and my site is
Prototype is going to be AWESOME! I can't wait.
My away-ness (word?) and game updates!
by Projekt_Zeer-O on Comments
Okay so, I was away for a while. Had stuff going on. But I'm back now, aaaaaaand, I have some Game Updates for you guys! Also, I am going to add my Christmas List ofr your viewing pleasure ;)
In the past few months, I've collected a number of games. These games are:
Far Cry 2
Guitar Hero 3
Fallout 3
Call of Juarez
Army of Two
So far I have 24 games for my Xbox 360.
I'll be posting my reviews for skate. and Far Cry 2, and possibly a review for both Call of Juarez and Army of Two. I don't know yet, I usually go with the flow, and, if time allows it, I'll be posting reviews for all my games.
So, there's nothing really on my mind today that is of importance--or atleast of enough importance to talk about on a GameSpot Blog. ;) Hehe.
And here's my Christmas List! :)
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
Mirror's Edge
Fable 2
Soul Caliber IV
Gears of War 2
Mass Effect
Prince of Persia
Tom Clancy's EndWar
Saints Row 2
Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe
Mercenaries 2: World in Flames
Devil May Cry 4
So with that being said, I'll be posting another blog soon *hopefully*. 'Till next time.
GTA IV - Beaten
by Projekt_Zeer-O on Comments
I just beat GTA IV, it was amazing. I still have the second ending to do though. But, ya..
I'm still gonna be caught up in all the things I can do!
by Projekt_Zeer-O on Comments
So, somehow I KNEW this was going to happen. There is a lot of people out there trying to get the game banned. First of all, just because someone SAID they killed someone because of GTA IV, doesn't necessarily mean it's true. Because it was just released, and it is a rather violent game for someone underage, that makes it the *perfect* excuse to use if something like that happened.
Let me say this:
THE RESPONSIBILITY LIES WITH THE PARENT! DO NOT LET YOUR KIDS PLAY IT IF THEY ARE UNDERAGE, SIMPLE AS THAT. I know, I'm underage, but I am mature enough to divide that line between REALITY and FICTIONAL GAMES! I know they aren't real.
So, I'm sorry, but if you are too damn stupid to not be able to handle the maturity level, than you need to still be playing Table Tennis or something. So, those are my thoughts. Don't ban a game because someone SAYS they killed someone of it. If they can't handle it, they shouldn't be playing it.
Grand Theft Auto IV
by Projekt_Zeer-O on Comments
Can you say: Wow!
Yes, I can't think of another word to describe this game. GTA IV is AMAZING! I LOVE IT! I mean, it's the new crack! I'm so addicted to it and can't stop playing it!
Niko Bellic is a immigrant from Eastern Europe searching to start a fresh life. It turns out, it's not as easy as he thought it would be. His cousin, Roman Bellic, is a very avid gambler who blows his money whenever he can.
I love GTA IV so much. I wouldn't trade it for the world. The gameplay is just so exciting and new and fresh. The new RAGE and Euphoria systems that are integrated into the game is just so amazing. It's like Rockstar just completely started over with a new game! They sure did make use of what technology they were given.
This had made me an even bigger fan of Rockstar than I ever HAVE been! Great job Take2 and Rockstar, we appreciate all the games you have been bringing us!
So, Niko Bellic, what more can you say about him? If it doesn't pay, he doesn't do it. That should describe Niko quite a bit. The gameplay and graphics are simply marvelous. While you could complete the storyline in 30 hours or less, there is just so much you can do and so much going on that it would take you 30 hours just to get involved in all the activities available in Grand Theft Auto IV.
I can only describe the graphics like this: When I wrecked my car for the first time, my jaw dropped and drool starting coming out of my mouth. The car was so UNBELIEVABLY realistic. That's really all I have to say about Grand Theft Auto IV. GO GET IT!!!
I'm going to Liberty City !
by Projekt_Zeer-O on Comments
Just thought I'd update my blog with great news!
I just booked my flight to Liberty City via GameStop. I pre-ordered the Special Edition of Grand Theft Auto IV at GameStop, and am SO excited. I feels like I'm waiting an eternity.
Assassin's Creed - My Review Pt. 1
by Projekt_Zeer-O on Comments
So I just got Assassin's Creed, let me tell you... It is amazing! This game will be the game that in 10 years we can look back on and say, "I remember Assassin's Creed, I used to run around in my underwear and a Hooded-Robe pretending I was Altari."
Well, maybe not the underwear part, but you get the idea.
The swiftness of Altari is flawless in the game. Ubisoft Montreal did a beautiful job creating this game.
Let's start with the Gameplay. You have total freedom in Assassin's Creed, so, of course you're going to want good gameplay to be able to scale those walls or kill those rooftop archers. The gameplay is simple enough to get used to. The game will never ask you to use more then three controls at the same time, which makes it simply fun and easy to run around scaling walls and pouncing on your prey.
Audio & Graphics coming up on Pt. 2
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