I'd ask again in August. But one thing I will definitely say is not to buy Bourne. If the demo is any indication, it is one of the absolute worst movie based games I have ever seen.
I wouldn't make any predictions one way or the other. The PS3 had a rough start and a rough first year. But it IS catching up and there are a whole lot more games coming out that are going to move the unit into more homes. I don't know if it will outsell them or not in the very end, but I definitely would not discount the possibility...
As was already stated, 10 does not equal perfection. IGN made this very clear when they gave GTAIV a 10 and stated quite specifically why it received a 10. It was not that GTAIV is a perfect game. It is that GTAIV's winning attributes so far outweight its flaws that one doesn't even really notice the flaws in it at all. I think this is important, because as games get more and more realistic, you're going to see less and less perfect games. Consider for a moment if you had a game (say on the PS10 or something, whatever) that *perfectly* mirrored real life in every single way, shape, and form. Would it be the perfect game? Obviously not. Why? Because real life isn't perfect! There is no way to have a perfect game. It's impossible. And in this way, GameSpot's "Perfect" title for 10 games is somewhat misleading. I like IGN's title: "Masterful." Anyway, I don't know that anyone can honestly say what a "10" is across the board, seeing as different games could potentially receive 10's for different reasons. A 10 RPG, 10 FPS, and 10 RTS would all be completely and totally different. The one thing I will say is that a 10 ought to be given to the game that does what it does better than any other game in its class - or, possible, if the game actually (and finally) reaches a whole other class that games had not yet reached. This is why GTA IV gets a 10 and Crysis didn't, for example. There was nothing particularly special about Crysis except the pretty graphics and some nice physics (though they're really not as great as first made out to be). GTA IV, though, has a living, breathing, interactive world. The AI is some of the best ever put into a video game, the graphics are incredible, the missions and storyline is masterfully done, the world is completely open and freeform, the voice acting and cutscenes are nearly on par with any award-winning movie, the control scheme is unique but fluid and accessible, etc., etc. It has flaws, certainly, but if GTA IV cannot receive a 10, then I would argue that 10 is a level to which no game can reach. In which case - why have it?
Actually, certain HDTV's also purposefully cut off the edges so that when watching TV shows you don't get any strange distortions along the edge (which can happen with the signal). There should be an option in your TV's menu somewhere to turn that off. This happened to me and mine had one. I haven an Olevia HDTV - I don't know if all brands do it, but I know for sure that Olevia does.
I didn't see this article mentioned on the forums, yet, so I thought I'd bring it up for those who are interested. http://arstechnica.com/news.ars/post/20080430-ps3s-cell-cpu-tops-high-performance-computing-benchmark.html It's an interesting article on the PS3's cell processor and how it compares to top high performance computers. If you want even more information, you can read the paper that the article links to. The paper is absolutely fascinating. The cell processor left the others in the dust. They didn't even stand a chance of comparing to it. I love look at my PS3 and realizing that I have one of the most powerful computers out there right in my living room. :-)
I'd go with a 40gb PS3. The 40 gigs is more than I've needed so far (even with game installs, music, downloads, etc.) - you won't be able to save every single movie trailer or whatnot that you download, but, meh, you don't really need to. And for $100 you can buy another, much larger than 80gb hard drive. The only other downside I've run into with the 40gb version is that is only has 2 USB ports. That's easily fixed with a splitter, too, though, and unless you're playing a game like Rockband, you probably won't need them.
Uncharted: Drake's Fortune definitely. I'd also recommend COD4. If your in for just a time killer, Skate is kinda fun, too - but I'd recommend Uncharted and COD4 first.
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