Prosecut0rGodot's forum posts
hey guys, just got the latest EGM (july 2008, issue 229) i don't know if we are allowed to post scans (the last time that I did that in other forum I got banned) but if you want to see them, just pm me! I'm going to make a short summary of the best things in this issue, enjoy!
Cover: Gears of War 2
- if you play the entire main campaign in co-op, there will be special cut-scenes and decisions that will affect the game various endings.
- Different difficulty settings for each player in co-op
- the length of the campaign will be around 15 hours
- a new stamina bar will determine for how long your character can run and fight, the lower the stamina, the worse your performance will be.
- a new boss called "acheron" revealed. it looks like a gargantuan mammoth that the locust use in order to destroy large vehicles
- new multiplayer mode called "ordeal", it's a mission where you compete to see who kills 100 enemies first.
- new multiplayer mode called "en-garde", chainsaws only!
- notable graphical improvements in terms of lighting and amount of enemies on screen.
Previews / hands-on:
- banjo kazooie nuts and bolts (360): a lot of what they played was mostly vehicle sections. the amount of customization is mind-blowing, sadly they haven't seen too much of platforming action.
- deblob (Wii): addictive, charming and fun wii platformer, could be a sleeper hit.
- bioshock (PS3): better load times than the 360 versions, will have the dlc that the 360 versions had, 2 new exclusive weapons: pyroplasm and shock gauntlet.
- Skies of Arcadia sequel will be announced sooner than you might think, along with that other SEGA franchise that you want the most, both for the Wii
- Rockband 2 will allow players to save their own videos and upload them to the internet in a "youtube-esque" mode
- God of war Chains Of Olympus will be ported to the PS2 this August, don't be surprised when this gets announced officially soon....
- Ninja Gaiden II "Game of the Month" (360): A [Milkman] A- [Bettenhausen] A- [Garnett Lee]
Pros: visceral combat, video mode
Cons: corny cut-scenes, awkward camera
- Metal Gear Solid IV (PS3): A [Jeremy Parish] A- [Crispin Boyer] B+ [Milkman]
Pros: refined gameplay, interesting story
Cons: more cutscenes than gameplay!
- Space Invaders Extreme (DS/PSP): A- B+ B-
- We Ski (Wii): A B- B-
- GT5 Prologue (PS3): B+ B B
- Lost Planet Colonies (PS3/360): C+ B- D+
- R-Type Command (PSP): C- B- B-
Electronic Nongaming Monthly: Wii Fit
edit: looks like sending scans of american magazines via pm's is also prohibited
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