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ProtegeRuckus Blog

Ruckus Furlough

Hey you guys, I'm now officially on furlough, so this will be pretty much the last blog of the year for me. As you know I've been inactive since January as far as gaming and I'm still deciding whether I will officially come back. I just wanted to say this so people wouldn't think I was ignoring them. During the break I'll make a definite decision. See you guys later.

Xbox 360 250gb Bundle

You know me. Whenever there is some sort of price drop or new console configuration I make a blog about it. The Wii will be 199.99 as we already know, but a bit of surprising news is the new CoD:MW2 bundle with the 360. The 360 will be an Elite console with a 250gb hard drive. Come to think of it, other than some aesthetic differences and the hard drive, I don't think an Elite is much different than the other 360s.

As the picture shows, this was pulled directly from (it costs 399.99 btw). I'm sure GS will have this up in the morning or tomorrow night, but Ruckus always has the info before GS ;)

I don't really like the look of the console, but that's just me.

Other News

I can claim a tentative victory with the grad school thing, which means I got in. That's important because if my parents keep paying for school and I don't need a job, I can return to video games lol. Maybe by the end of this year I'll get a console. Gran Turismo 5 and FFXIII have me really excited, but the 360 is also a great console as well.

Oh and Raiders barely lost :cry: I'm sure Phoenyx and LexLas are 49ers fans. Congratualations on a lucky win :P


Super Mario Ruckus!

First rant in a while. It's 12:30 in the morning in California here and my toilet was running like crazy. I thought it was going to flood or I was going to have to call a plumber or something. I did some quick research on the internet and I was able to fix the problem. Thank God. That would have cost me a lot of time, pain and heartache. Since school started August 31st things have been hectic and I've had to do everything school and unschool-related. I'm also taking the GMAT (Graduate Management Assessment Test) on Saturday. It's a standardized test for graduate schools in Business. I gotta stay in school man, by getting into grad school. I graduate college in December and I don't want a job lol. Don't grow up if you haven't already!

Haven't been doing to great lately, so sorry if I haven't been commenting. I'll be back later! Time to get some quick shut-eye and get back to studying. See you later!

Xbox 360 Failure Rate 54%

Straight from IGN, the 360 purportedly has an even higher failure rate than the 33% from a long time ago. As I get older, I realize more that reliability is very important. I guess these 360 fanboys (who have died down with the banter, I'll give them credit for that) will stick with the console until death. It also states 41.7% have a second console failure after the first one. I want to know what you guys think about this. To me that's unacceptable. I mean it's a coin flip. If my son or daughter had a 54% failure rate in school, I'd beat the hell out of them, but that's just me. I also needed a new blog to put up to show that I'm active lol.

To be fair, a good friend of mine had two 80gb (bc) PS3s go out on him, but I guess it was just him.

[Must Watch/Read] Official Summertime Blog

I haven't had much time to be here lately. If I haven't had enough time it's my fault. I need to delegate my time more wisely. It's just that summer break has me on vacation mode. Sorry for not commenting much on people's blogs.

A few events have triggered this new blog. Like before, I didn't plan on making any blogs, but of course this is the summertime, so that in itself warrants a new blog.

The Hangover

Well I saw the movie and it was pretty good. I haven't seen anything better than Superbad though as far as comedy (that has been released recently). I'm not really talking about the movie, it's just that I have an internship this summer in downtown San Diego and I work 8 hours a week. Now I know what it feels like to be Celtic, Chikahiro and LexLas. To the younger people on this site, don't grow up! :lol:

I've been getting hangovers from work. I'm in the cubicle all damn day (for accounting) and when I get home I'm to burned out to do much, and I'm just preparing for the next day. This repetitive cycle is frustrating. Of course it's called the rat race. I won't rant and complain; it is what it is. Thank God I'm not back in retail though, that's a whole different story.

Speaking of The Hangover, a whole lot of things such as that have been calling me back to the casino. I haven't been gambling in a while. I have to do a lot of studying before I go back. Of course live play (at a real casino) is important practice as well. I recommend a few books if you want to play poker.

Harrington on Hold 'em Vol. 1
The Book of Tells
Gus Hansen: Every Hand Revealed

If you guys don't believe me, the first book by Dan Harrington has been a top-rated top-seller on for quite some time. Gus Hansen's book is #2 right now.

On a minor philosophical note, I understand a lot of people are afraid of gambling. I don't endorse reckless gambling. However, we're all human, and the things we learn we already know, we just bring it out of ourselves (kind of like Plato and the slave drawing a triangle [or was that Socrates?)

I saw Casino Royale once again. I really love that movie. Hard not to love Eva Green either. I also found out my next-door neighbor (in San Diego) is a blackjack dealer at a local casino. On top of that I'm turning 21 this year (in San Diego you can gamble when you're 18 though, which is how I've done it before).

Summertime Fun - California Crisis and The Stain Specialist

Phoenyx9 said that the prank calls cheered her up one morning. Welp, Ruckus is at it again. I've found some hilarious videos of prank calls. I wish I could upload them all. One is of the guy that's running my state into the ground, and another is of Billy Mays. RIP Billy Mays.

*pours out a bottle of Oxiclean*



Street Fighter - A Disgrace

I told you fools clearly, but you didn't want to listen. I said the Street Fighter movie would be a terrible movie. I believe Grafkhun said it might be a decent movie. Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li has a 4% on RottenTomatoes. That means 4% of critics thought the movie was good. Understand that when Rotten Tomatoes does top 10 worst movies of the year, the scores are usually around 10-15% favorable. This is just horrible. And Kirsten Kreuk, Chun-Li? Get the hell out of here. This is another blow to the Street Fighter franchise. Another problem with Street Fighter is that the anime movies and original tv shows are somewhat contradictory.

Resident Evil: Degeneration (Short Review)

New Resident Evil movie now confirmed too. Bad news from Capcom keeps rolling in. However, I did happen to see Resident Evil: Degeneration (the animated movie). It was the best video game movie I have ever seen (doesn't say much though). It actually follows the storyline of the games and even Hunnigan from RE4 makes a cameo in the movie. For the hardcore fans, which are on this site, I strongly recommend seeing this movie. The only problem was that the character's mouths didn't match the voiceovers. It's very noticeable. The sounds were very good though.

The movie was so good (for a video game movie) I wish it was a game. This movie is supposed to be, in effect, Resident Evil 4.5 (it seems more like RE:2.5 because it's back to regular zombies).

Olivia Munn in the July Issue

It's still July and I think some of you guys know that Olivia Munn was in the July issue of Playboy magazine. Yes I happened to see some of the magazine and her photo spread. Don't get too excited you guys, she doesn't reveal anything. I just wanted to break the bad news to you up front. I'm the Accountant remember. Strange how the girl on the cover of Playboy magazine doesn't show anything. I guess that leaves more to the imagination. I can post a picture up here, but it might be against copyright.

Leave a comment below.


Inventory Moves - Slim PS3

I haven't played video games since January, so shoot me. And dammit, MvC2 had to come back in microtransactions. I didn't trust selling it through PayPal because I'm not familiar with that. That was easy money that could have been mine :( However it looks like RE: Code Veronica on GC is in demand. It's quite rare and I have it. Thanks to the Wii being backwards compatible, its value is up (but not near the original 50 I paid for it).

Speaking of bc, I believe the new PS3 slim version will have it. The slim PS2 was backwards compatible, but overheated after 4-6 hours. If that's the case I'm thinking of buying one (not for the overheating though lol). Don't moan, I know I know, I've been thinking of buying a PS3 since September of 2006 when I first became a member. The money isn't an issue now, it's just I'm not sure if I want to buy video games anymore let alone play them. I'm even contemplating posting this blog.

And who ever thought this would happen. Sony is trying to get rid of PS3s like banks are trying to get rid of foreclosed homes :lol: This desperate attempt to move inventory makes it obvious that a new PS3 is on the way; also obvious, that Sony is in trouble.

Oh and Happy 4th of July


Silent Hill Revamped

Looks like SH is getting a makeover. I believe I said in one of my past blogs that they should remake the first Silent Hill. Now they are.

Here's a full interview on the game from Yamamoka. One thing that video game websites are guilty of is overhyping a game in the previews only to give it a very low rating. Looks like IGN is loving the game so far, but we'll wait and see on the review.

A long time ago if you asked someone what Silent Hill was, they would say "it's like Resident Evil but without the zombies." I think that Silent Hill can capitalize off of the new video game hardware for that real atmospheric horror. That's something a Playstation One just could not really do for the original game. The storyline made up for it, however in the 4 endings 3 of them are bad and for the bad endings you miss about half of the main story.

However, this is a reimagining not just a remake, which makes this more intersting.


P.S. I had to delete all of my blogs and change information for personal reasons. The blogs will also be short and sweet from now on. I'll still be commenting on other blogs when I have the chance.