I've beaten it so here's my verdict.
Love the art style. Nice great cell shaded graphics.
Great music. I would love to get this soundtrack...
Great character development.
Simplistic battle system. Easy to understand, nothing complicated. (TENSION FTW!)
Great voice acting. SUPERB. Probably the best voice acting for a game ever made.CONS
Kinda like an homage to Ocarina of Time. (Won't spoil anything, just play it)
The main character looks alot like Goku from DBZ...
VERY LONG... Final play time was 78:14 (Also did some level grinding... :P)
Leveling takes time
Not much to say. It's a very good game. Got it for about $9.99 at GAME. If you own a PS2 and love JRPGs then this is a must have.
Other Stuff
Well I have some exams tomorrow... Ew.
In my wood working class, me and my friend were talking about games that we played when we were much younger, then some how he menetioned that he played most of the Zelda games and he loved Wind Waker. And I asked If I could borrow the game, and the next day my friend presented me the amazing tin gold case that contained the very game that I was going to play for about 1 hour and not touch it again. The Legend Of Zelda: The Wind Waker.
I never really put much thought into the Zelda series. I knew that they were good games, but I never really wanted to play them. I did have the compilation disc for the Gamecube, but now I regret selling that to a friend... But now a few years later I have given it another try.
I played up until the fortress where you must retrieve your sword back. I noticed that there is going to be alot of stealth elements. And I do not find that fun...
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