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Ps2gamer25 Blog

Dragon Quest VIII. My Thoughts. + Other Stuff

I've beaten it so here's my verdict.


Love the art style. Nice great cell shaded graphics.

Great music. I would love to get this soundtrack...

Great character development.

Simplistic battle system. Easy to understand, nothing complicated. (TENSION FTW!)

Great voice acting. SUPERB. Probably the best voice acting for a game ever made.CONS

Kinda like an homage to Ocarina of Time. (Won't spoil anything, just play it)


The main character looks alot like Goku from DBZ...

VERY LONG... Final play time was 78:14 (Also did some level grinding... :P)

Leveling takes time

Not much to say. It's a very good game. Got it for about $9.99 at GAME. If you own a PS2 and love JRPGs then this is a must have.

Other Stuff

Well I have some exams tomorrow... Ew.

In my wood working class, me and my friend were talking about games that we played when we were much younger, then some how he menetioned that he played most of the Zelda games and he loved Wind Waker. And I asked If I could borrow the game, and the next day my friend presented me the amazing tin gold case that contained the very game that I was going to play for about 1 hour and not touch it again. The Legend Of Zelda: The Wind Waker.

I never really put much thought into the Zelda series. I knew that they were good games, but I never really wanted to play them. I did have the compilation disc for the Gamecube, but now I regret selling that to a friend... But now a few years later I have given it another try.

I played up until the fortress where you must retrieve your sword back. I noticed that there is going to be alot of stealth elements. And I do not find that fun...

Last blog of the year

Ok, Here's a recap of what games, and other cool stuff I got since September.


Went to a tag sale and found Klonoa 2: Lunatea's Veil, and Final Fantasy X for both $1! Yeah, a steal right? ;)

Uninstalled Dungeon Fighter Online due to huge amounts of school work.


Got Pokemon XD Gale of Darkness and a Gameboy Player.

On Black Friday I got some sweet accessories for my Gamecube and PS2. I also purchased FFVII:Crisis Core for $10. A must buy for $10.

Found out that FFXIII's cid looks like the Protagonist for FFXIII Versus! (I thought Cid was supposed to be some old man that gives you an airship...:?)


Still haven't beaten DQVIII (ALMOST done also... :cry:), instead worked on Chrono Trigger, FFIV, and been replaying Tales of the Abyss.

Got a VGA box for my PC. (No more big CRT TV! :D)

Installed Dungeons and Dragons Online (Sounds nerdy but my friends is bugging me to play... :evil:)

Got some neat stuff on Christmas. (Today)

Yeah... Nothing new like a PS3 or a 360. Just same old bull Life has been going pretty good, school is just being a pain still.

Well, Happy Holidays!

EDIT: Some text colors look different due to me not knowing how to manage my own blog...

Atelier Iris 3 = Garbage, DFO Beta

So I got a game called Atelier Iris 3: Grand Phantasm at F.Y.E. for $20. Good deal. Seeing it on ebay it's a bit pricey. But hey, people like to overprice stuff on ebay. So I play the game for sometime and realize that this is just some mission based game like FFX-2. So I realize in my head,"Wow this sucks."

You just do a bunch of mission, fight some boss, do more missions, and fight more bosses. But since I have gotten pretty far I think I might as well finish it. But I am kind of sad because I delayed Dragon Quest VIII for this game. And I delayed Final Fantasy IV for Dragon Quest VIII. And I also delayed Chrono Trigger for Final Fantasy IV...

Having a backlog of RPG's suck...

I have also gotten into the Dungeon Fighter Online beta. I think I am a level 8 Priest. It's pretty neat but just too busy to play this MMO.

Few Days Before School Starts... : /

Well...Yep... I guess I'll do a blog before I get bombarded with homework.

I got Dragon Quest VIII and so far... I'm kinda addicted to it. This is probably one of my favorite JRPG's that I have played in a while. The voice acting is AMAZING. I really loved how they used the old english in this game. I think this is what makes this game unique from other JRPG's.

I also got Sonic Adventure DX Director's Cut for the Gamecube. I remeber renting this for a weekend. I was going to buy it, but completly forgot everything about it until now. This game has to be one of the best 3D Sonic games in my oppinion. Not really a big Sonic fan, but this did it for me.

I've also been playing this game called Combat Arms for the PC. It's created by Nexon, the guys who made MapleStory. It's kinda like Call of Duty 4, and Left 4 Dead mixed together, to make a decent free PC First Person Shooter. Well it's free, can't go wrong there.

Still playing GGPO. Still playing Super Turbo. :)

So Sony really did make a PS3 Slim. Kinda happy about that. I think it will do really well than the PS3.

Oh, I wanted to put this on my last blog, but forgot and put it on my personal blog. Check it out here.

Well see you guys later. :D

I love GGPO

I love GGPO.

I can get better at fighting games.

I can finally challenge people around the world.

I love the community.

I recently recived some games from amazon.

Tetris Worlds - What can I say? I love Tetris? I play this in my Special Education period.

Mobile Light Force 2 - This game deserves to have a chance. Don't be fooled by the Charlie's Angel cover. It's actually a Japanese Bullet Hell game like the Touhou series, making it super hard.

Silpheed: The Lost Planet - Just like Mobile Light Force 2 but easier. Did you know that the cover art is really shiny?

No Ideas... Just two low shorts into EX LEGS...

Hey guys. How's it going. Not much here. Just having fun for my summer. Um... I've been getting into Street Fighter and King Of Fighters alot since I got a arcade stick. Much better than using a D-Pad. I can finally do a Sonic Boom or a Psycho Crusher.

I've been lurking around the Shoryuken forums lately to get better at Street Fighter and other fighting games. I've also been trying to learn how to solder electronics, that's going pretty well. I've also just experienced how fun it is to shop on Amazon DOT com. I got a few games off there used.

I've recently purchased...

Raiden III

Zone of the Enders

Katamari Damacy

King of Fighters: Orochi Saga

Street Fighter Annivarsary Collection.

Raiden III is a great shmup. It's basically the PS2 version of Ikaruga. Zone of the Enders is made by the famous Hideo Kojima. Great mech game, and great cut scenes for it's time. Katamari Damacy is just a ton of fun! Moving a random ball and making it bigger by collecting random objects is a great idea! King of Fighters: Orochi Saga is a amazing compilation of King of Fighters 94-98. Street Fighter Annivarsary Collection is also a great compilation with Street Fighter III: Third Strike, and Hyper Street Fighter II - The Annivarsary Edition.

I've found out why I don't blog as much like other people do. I just can't find awesome topics or stories to blog about. Or I'm just being lazy. :P

That's all I have to say for the summer. Happy early 4th of July.

Arcades... : D

On myspring-breakI went to Canada. In that city they had a mall, in the mall had a pretty sweet arcade, it had DDR, Guitar Hero, Capcom VS SNK 2, Street Fighter 3: Third Strike, and probably the best... Street Fighter 4 :D

Street Fighter 4 Machine

When I saw that in the arcade, I quickly got out my money and exchanged it for coins. And started playing Street Fighter 4. There was this other guy who was playing the game also. He was pretty decent, better than me. First time I tried playing, it was hard adjusting to an arcade stick than a PS2 pad. But I got the hang of it shortly after. I used Ken since I'm used of using him in Alpha 3 and Third Strike. My opponent used C. Viper and Abel. He was very good with Abel and C. Viper, and I lost to both of them. :(

I had a great time playing Street Fighter 4 in the arcade. It was really cool using a stick than a pad. The graphics are amazing, just simply beautiful. I love it. I can't wait when Street Fighter 4 comes out for the PC. I hope my computer can run it. And now I might get this arcade stick called"USB Fighting Stick" It's a universal PS2, PS3, and PC arcade stick that has a great price. It's got a weird design but hey, it's cheap. I just hope it doesn't break quickly...

Well that's all for now!

A meh vacation : /

Not much happened to me on my vacation. Relaxed a little, caught up on some games. And got my first pickups of 2009.

First game I got was Rogue Galaxy.

: /

So far, I'm not really liking that game. Battle system is pretty great, story is really unique, nicely rendered graphics, but the game can be really challenging. I saw some video gameplay on this game and thought it would be interesting, but I just can't get into it. I'll probaly finish it some other time.

And the second game I got was

: )

I'm really enjoying this game alot. The battle system is pretty decent, story line is pretty nice, and the graphics are ok. Some how I'm enjoying this game more than Rogue Galaxy. :?

And for a portable I've been playing

old school

Well mostly Dragon Warrior I. I haven't actually beaten this game yet. I got this when I was about 9 years old and had a hard time what to do next so I completely stopped playing it. But now playing this game with a guide is great. I can finally see why alot of people enjoyed this game for the NES.

Well that's all I have to say. Until next time! Well... Maybe 2 more months...:lol:

Celestia Furnace!:D

My views on the PS3 (Wii and Xbox 360 soon!)

Well here are my views.




Free Internet 

Nice media player

Use the PSP to play PS3 games with Remote Play

All models are Playstation 1 backwards compadable

The PS3 can run Linux

Nice glossey finish

Runs quietly when playing games

Built-in Bluetooth

Can replace the harddrive for a bigger one

Can buy Playstation Network cards if you do not have a credit card

Download some great PS1 ****cs to play for a fair price

Can download movies to watch



Not all models are the same

Too pricey

Current 80GB PS3 models do not have a built in card reader

No PS2 backwards compadibility

And no 4 USB ports. 2 only 

Not many good exclusives

Not really likely to happen, but the Yellow Light of Death

You should not be forced to install games

Way too heavy!



Overall, I think the Playstation 3 is a great system. It just needs to be more affordable and have better games. I would like to get one, but I cannot afford one right now. Maybe when the prices are pretty good, I'll think about it. But now, I think I'll just stick with last gen consoles. ;)


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