Not much happened to me on my vacation. Relaxed a little, caught up on some games. And got my first pickups of 2009.
First game I got was Rogue Galaxy.
So far, I'm not really liking that game. Battle system is pretty great, story is really unique, nicely rendered graphics, but the game can be really challenging. I saw some video gameplay on this game and thought it would be interesting, but I just can't get into it. I'll probaly finish it some other time.
And the second game I got was
I'm really enjoying this game alot. The battle system is pretty decent, story line is pretty nice, and the graphics are ok. Some how I'm enjoying this game more than Rogue Galaxy. :?
And for a portable I've been playing
Well mostly Dragon Warrior I. I haven't actually beaten this game yet. I got this when I was about 9 years old and had a hard time what to do next so I completely stopped playing it. But now playing this game with a guide is great. I can finally see why alot of people enjoyed this game for the NES.
Well that's all I have to say. Until next time! Well... Maybe 2 more months...:lol:
Celestia Furnace!:D