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Paris Geller, Intense, Insane, Intelligent, and Insecure

I have talked about Lorelai and Rory's love life and vented regarding repearts. Now it is time to focus on one person that went through Chilton and the obsession of Harvard and in a way stalked Rory to Yale. Paris Geller

The name alone causes images of her going on her insane rages then going to the times she was vulnerable. I often varied in how I felt about going from thinking she was pathetic, like her tendency to yell what she didn't want people to know, to respect to her dedication to her goals. I must confess to wondering if the suspension because of the Puff initation was a cause of her not getting into Harvard. As you remember Headmaster Charleston told Rory she deserved it and did not want to see her fail because of the initation which Rory never would been a part of if she had not been trying to do what he told her too. I thought Paris' odd bemused reaction to Rory's outburst and Francie's shockled reaction at discovering the sitdown was random very nice. It showed a normal side of Paris. Paris ranged from not caring what people thought to being desperate enough to do anything to gain approval. What is everone's thoughts on Paris?

Rory and Logan. Part two of the great debate.

I promised I would do a follow-up of my opinions on Rory and her many loves so as promised here I go.  Once again I expect people not to be happy, but that is life.

We will start from the beginning and go from there ending with my favorite who is as of this posting her current boyfriend.  Any guesses to my favorite?

Let's start with Dean.  Dean reminded Lorelai of Christopher which in a way he does.  The leather jacket, motorcycle, and build reminded her of those old days.  Dean also was completely and totally in love with her daughter.  Dean was not backing down or going away as he said in the episode "Kiss and Tell".  I loved him the way he protected her and was there for in every way the perfect first boyfriend.

Then enter Jess.  I will state right now I could not stand Jess in any way shape or form causing chaos trying to steal Rory from Dean.  And succeeding.  Jess was finger nails down the blackboard to me.  Then Dean got married, and Jess was gone.

Dean becomes Rory's again when he cheated on his wife.  I disliked him ever since.  It never should have happened.  He should have faced up to what he did, and realized that being with Rory was not worth destroying people's lives.

Then there's Logan who because Dean felt he did not fit into Rory's life any longer dumped her, and she ran to Logan.  I loved the fact that Logan was upfront and honest and told her he was not boyfriend material and she was girlfriend material so it would never work.  I loved him being jealous when Rory went out with Robert.  I liked the fact when she called it quits to the casual dating he was not willing to lose her gave it shot.  I loved him standing up to his mother and grandfather for Rory.  I loved hmi wanting to go after his father for hurting her.  I loved the Birkin bag when he didn't realize he loved her but did care so bought her the bag.  I hated the way he was with Jess and hated him sleeping with the bridesmaids.  I hated him breaking up without telling her.  I loved how he worked so hard to get her back something Jess and Dean never did.  I loved how after she found out about the bridesmaids and she called it quits he still kep trying and succeeding.  I loved how he begged her not to let him go.  I loved how he went to London and made the best of it.  I loved the rocket ship, and how he surprised her by coming back and giving her a romantic dinner.  I just love Logan.

I hate repeats!

I hate repeats have I mentioned that yet?  I understand reruns during the summer, and I ALMOST understand them at the end of the season, but 5 episodes in I do NOT understand at all.

    I am talking about this past Tuesday's repeat of The Long Morrow.  I had to go through the anguish of the break up of Lorelai and Luke once already.  I was starting to like Chris and Lorelai and be very logical about the whole thing.  Until Tuesday that is.  Then I started going what was she thinking!  What was Luke thinking waiting so long to come to terms with it.  What was Chris thinking sleeping with her when she was vulnerable!  I normally do not care too much with the Lorelai plot.  I found myself yelling at the tv.

    Then there is Rory who I love her plot lines and scenes with Logan and having to see the pain of the long distance relationship all over again.  I hated that.  I loved watching her get what the rocket meant, but I hated her not going to London.  I was yelling at the tv again.

Powers that be at the studio next time you start thinking ahead and think of doing a repeat this close to the beginning just wait a week for the premiere instead.  Your adoring public will be grateful.

Gilmore Girls the great debate

Lorelai and Luke, Lorelai or Chris.  Interesting question.  Some view one while others view another.  Me personally I said neither.  Will that offend people? Absolutely. Will I be told I am crazy.  Probably.  However, there are reasons behind my thinking.

Lets start with Chris.  He is definitely crazy about Lorelai, and yes they share a history together.  However, he has yet to prove he can be reliable about anything other then being reliable about being unreliable.  Plus, he adores her too much.  He is willing to do whatever she wants.  No woman wants a man to walk over unless she just wants someone to soothe her ego.  I think is the case right now with Lorelai. 

Luke.  Is he solid? Yes. Does he care about Lorelai? Yes.  Does he love her enough to move in and be in with his whole heart. No.  Yes, he was ready to elope after he let her walk away as a last ditch effort.  Marriage should not be a grasp at straws.

I hope someone else comes along that Lorelai can love with her wholeheart, and who will love her back without any restrictions.  We will see and only time will tell.  Yes, I know people are shocked, but thats my opinion.  Next blog about Rory.