Lorelai and Luke, Lorelai or Chris. Interesting question. Some view one while others view another. Me personally I said neither. Will that offend people? Absolutely. Will I be told I am crazy. Probably. However, there are reasons behind my thinking.
Lets start with Chris. He is definitely crazy about Lorelai, and yes they share a history together. However, he has yet to prove he can be reliable about anything other then being reliable about being unreliable. Plus, he adores her too much. He is willing to do whatever she wants. No woman wants a man to walk over unless she just wants someone to soothe her ego. I think is the case right now with Lorelai.
Luke. Is he solid? Yes. Does he care about Lorelai? Yes. Does he love her enough to move in and be in with his whole heart. No. Yes, he was ready to elope after he let her walk away as a last ditch effort. Marriage should not be a grasp at straws.
I hope someone else comes along that Lorelai can love with her wholeheart, and who will love her back without any restrictions. We will see and only time will tell. Yes, I know people are shocked, but thats my opinion. Next blog about Rory.