I hate repeats have I mentioned that yet? I understand reruns during the summer, and I ALMOST understand them at the end of the season, but 5 episodes in I do NOT understand at all.
I am talking about this past Tuesday's repeat of The Long Morrow. I had to go through the anguish of the break up of Lorelai and Luke once already. I was starting to like Chris and Lorelai and be very logical about the whole thing. Until Tuesday that is. Then I started going what was she thinking! What was Luke thinking waiting so long to come to terms with it. What was Chris thinking sleeping with her when she was vulnerable! I normally do not care too much with the Lorelai plot. I found myself yelling at the tv.
Then there is Rory who I love her plot lines and scenes with Logan and having to see the pain of the long distance relationship all over again. I hated that. I loved watching her get what the rocket meant, but I hated her not going to London. I was yelling at the tv again.
Powers that be at the studio next time you start thinking ahead and think of doing a repeat this close to the beginning just wait a week for the premiere instead. Your adoring public will be grateful.