I have talked about Lorelai and Rory's love life and vented regarding repearts. Now it is time to focus on one person that went through Chilton and the obsession of Harvard and in a way stalked Rory to Yale. Paris Geller
The name alone causes images of her going on her insane rages then going to the times she was vulnerable. I often varied in how I felt about going from thinking she was pathetic, like her tendency to yell what she didn't want people to know, to respect to her dedication to her goals. I must confess to wondering if the suspension because of the Puff initation was a cause of her not getting into Harvard. As you remember Headmaster Charleston told Rory she deserved it and did not want to see her fail because of the initation which Rory never would been a part of if she had not been trying to do what he told her too. I thought Paris' odd bemused reaction to Rory's outburst and Francie's shockled reaction at discovering the sitdown was random very nice. It showed a normal side of Paris. Paris ranged from not caring what people thought to being desperate enough to do anything to gain approval. What is everone's thoughts on Paris?