see psiphity on i g n d0t c0m and read my blog to find out when... really.
PsiPhiTy1 Blog
Where have I gone?
by PsiPhiTy1 on Comments
I have been blogging on another site I G N dot Com because of the unfair sensor ship I have received here. I have been warned about some post I've made.. which I have NO IDEA what they are referring to... they state i was promoting roms.. which I DO NOT. I am dead against them and the pirate cards.... and etc... but since SOMEONE took my remark out of context I was WARNED but NOT ABOUT WHAT.... what the hell was the warning about? the quoted some generic rule without telling me where I supposedly broke it. I wrote where? How could I possibly defend something without this site telling me where or what I did wrong? How do they expect me to correct a behavior I am not even certain what they're talking about?
Nor did they leave me a method of communicating with them to find out what I had supposedl;y done. Hey if I'm wrong,, I'll be the first TO BOTH ADMIT IT AND do somehting about it. But I FIRST have to know what it was I supposedly DID.
ANYWAY, check me out, same name, on that other site.. I G N d0T C0M
I Predict another Fire EMblem is on the RIse 3D maybe????
by PsiPhiTy1 on Comments
I was just noting the other day that with Nintendos systems there is usually two advance war games and two firs Emblem games released before they change to another system... as soon as the thought left my mind, the day after I read a small note on some one off site that is an 'offical' statement that a 'NEW' Fire EMblem' is in the works and will make it here, althopugh they did not date it yet. I wonder if it will hit the 3D console as I suspect Golden Sun DS is intending. It's supposed to be a remake or compilation of one of the past ones. I would tell you which ones but for some reaason my computer doeds not want to bring site up quickly enough today to include it here. ANYWAY, if you are like me and a MAJOR fan of FE, hold your breath its on it's way REAL SOON.
Until Our Next GAB;
Be Good or Be Gone.
(PS I miss you ALexandria)
Footnote to my cheating post...
by PsiPhiTy1 on Comments
I just needed to make a footnote to one of the forums I responded to. I think some readers may have thought that I'm dead set against cheating. I AM if the other person does not know about it and you are using it to get an unfair advantage; it's just not sporting, which is how I play, sporting. Just because I'm on the net , does not mean I have to turn into an ass and treat others poorly.
The ONE other sentiment I wanted to add to that post about cheating was... There ARE times when I feel cheating MAY be actually required, needed or at very least a tool. There are some games these days that ramp up the challenge so far, in the process of catering to those who are fans of the game, that they exclude someone who is not a fan by making the gameplay out of thier reach. These are times when it is sometimes necessary to use a cheat to either get past a stuck point [in the story] or some similar use, but not online, against another person, without their knowledge, that's just unfair and as I've voiced before, the equivalent to beating an infant, where's the fun in it.
I play strategy games for the enjoyment I recieve out of trying and playing my own strategy in a particular situation. It's a great feeling to know you've beat a puzzle or level as it were,on your own brains, rather than a cheat that anyone can find on the net and use. Again, keeping the above in mind, there are times when it is needed.
Herein may lie the chink in my armour I call morals.
I think some game designers today take creative license too far when designing some games and set the challenge just a little too far for the average player. If they are not marketing to the average player then why sell in a store that caters to the average player?
The point being, someone new to a series has little or no chance to even begin to enjoy a new series if they can't get past the tutorial. Does that mean the game is not for them? Not necessarily.
I know a great deal about programming and coding, not saying I know everything about it though. I DO know that there is a much wider range of options, latitude, they can make available when creating some of these games that might just do something beneficial in creating a future fan. There will come a time when the present fansare gone.Simply make the present games a bit more accessible to new players, while still having the challenge available, via choice in the games start in challange levels. I don't mean make them casual, just a FEW more options besides 'normal' and 'hard'. Nothing worth while in this world comes without great effort. At least certainly nothing that lasts.
Later... Great Gaming...
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