I was just noting the other day that with Nintendos systems there is usually two advance war games and two firs Emblem games released before they change to another system... as soon as the thought left my mind, the day after I read a small note on some one off site that is an 'offical' statement that a 'NEW' Fire EMblem' is in the works and will make it here, althopugh they did not date it yet. I wonder if it will hit the 3D console as I suspect Golden Sun DS is intending. It's supposed to be a remake or compilation of one of the past ones. I would tell you which ones but for some reaason my computer doeds not want to bring site up quickly enough today to include it here. ANYWAY, if you are like me and a MAJOR fan of FE, hold your breath its on it's way REAL SOON.
Until Our Next GAB;
Be Good or Be Gone.
(PS I miss you ALexandria)