I have been blogging on another site I G N dot Com because of the unfair sensor ship I have received here. I have been warned about some post I've made.. which I have NO IDEA what they are referring to... they state i was promoting roms.. which I DO NOT. I am dead against them and the pirate cards.... and etc... but since SOMEONE took my remark out of context I was WARNED but NOT ABOUT WHAT.... what the hell was the warning about? the quoted some generic rule without telling me where I supposedly broke it. I wrote where? How could I possibly defend something without this site telling me where or what I did wrong? How do they expect me to correct a behavior I am not even certain what they're talking about?
Nor did they leave me a method of communicating with them to find out what I had supposedl;y done. Hey if I'm wrong,, I'll be the first TO BOTH ADMIT IT AND do somehting about it. But I FIRST have to know what it was I supposedly DID.
ANYWAY, check me out, same name, on that other site.. I G N d0T C0M