great article. This is a topic which begs for far more study (clinical and empiricle) and examination. Sadness because of a given thing or situations is not depression, sadness in spite of things or situations is depression.
I would LOVE to see the recent past "Legos Battles' for the DSi made over into a 'Lord of the Rings' Lego Battle System..... version,
There would be more than just the story line but add online lego realtime- strategy battles, that would rock.. I would have to buy one for each platform I owned...
Don't you just love it when a game site raises thier page hits artitificially by creating a flame war and probably beniefits by the appeased advertisers getting thier exposure. It's all one big ad. "God bless you all but most of all, send your money to ME"... (words to a Hand Williams Jr Song)
Many are forgeting that the only reason some of these iOS games sold so well is that they had extensive exposure on a dedicatew system for years before that. It must be accounted for in sales its called Branding (which costs millions done right) and that is where tha dedicated handheld comes in. It makes branding an income rather than just an[other] advertising expense. ALso these ipod games(or phone) is akin to fast food. One can not live on a steady diet of that alone without wanting something else, something more. I also refuse to believe that the millions buying those iOS games are real gamers that were already spending on games. Oh they are included too, but thier whole entertainment bedget is NOT gone to iOS games from Handheld. It is, I suspect, the new casual gamer that wants to feel like a real gamer that is supporting these iOS games. As a developer I would still put games onto more indepth systems in order to brand the game and increase sales for the iOS. No where in life is a 'quick fix' successful for long hauls. No Wheres.... no not even there!!!! It's almost a LAW of life. it WILL die down and the Handheld games which provides a more nutritious gaming meal will prevail, CyberPsychic has spoken, mark my words.
I've been saying this about Nintendos Piracy complaint for years... used games store do far more damage... hey wait, under this premise, if I sell you a greasy burger, I get paid when you eat it AND every time you fart it out or take a dump. ... :) Me likes those cash figures...
' ... I'm either going to not buy games at all, or I'm going to steal them instead. (Lest it not be said, I do not condone piracy, or petty theft for that matter.)' ... I made this exact same comment months ago on IGN and was threatened with being BANNED for my even MENTIONING pirates (in the exact same manner and words.. almost verbatim. They SO suck arse. Hey Xirmi I fully agree, when they starting licensing and residual payments to Movie stars and Music industry I knew that is where this would have an impact on far too many other items and things...... it's the same arguement as the constitution and the gun laws... let them control ONE thing and they take so much more... thier theory.. .what's good for the goose is good for the gander'
PsiPhiTy1's comments