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Psiber Blog

The Time

Yes, the time is almost upon me.  Soon I will be blessed with the delivery of my new AMD X2 Processor.  I plan to give full updates on this monster of a machine I've built. (even though no one my EVER read this blog lol).  I have to make a few comments on the hype over the next gen systems.  Thats all it is.  Hype.  Ive played long enough to know that developers cant utilize the full power of a newly released system.  So I can afford to wait till insanely jumped up and overhyped prices drop to the point where I cant get a system (which may even be better than the release systems*) and quality games to go along.  As far as which system to get there is no doubt I will be getting all 3 eventually.  More to come ...

*Note:  Usually the release systems are plauged with rushed production problems and they are usually corrected after the hype dies down and the demand is less than the supply and not as many systems are being produced.

Flow and FPS

This is a wonderful game i just picked up.  Flow is like a mix of Hip-Hop and Dance Dance Revolution.  I think the game does exactly what it is intended to do.  Bring the DDR craze to a different audience.  I always liked DDR, but I didnt like the music selection of the DDR series.  This single game has actually pushed me into thinking of investing in a decent dance pad or just building my own.  Oh well enough of that. It looks like I will be done with my custom gaming PC sooner than expected and I hope to be back online fraggin soon.  Look for me in BF:2 I loved the demo and before I fried all my PCs I was having a very enjoyable experience with the modern combat. I am no guru of the FPS genre by any means, but I havent seen a game capture the style of modern combat ,in the fashion that you would see in movies of instance, like BF:2 and I'm looking forward to the expansion also.  Although I must say that as soon as my SLI system is up I will be heading to get Brothers In Arms: Earned In Blood first.  I have to find out what happens with Red and Baker.   More to come soon ..... 

Where to begin!!?

I guess this is a good a place to start my first blog as any.  I always wondered what I should blog about and it seems I will blog about my favorite hobby.  GAMES!!!  Thing are abit slow now since i fried my own computer and I am currently building a new one.  This couldn't be a better time either.  The new SLI and Crossfire technology with AMD X2 64bit processors have made this experience very rewarding.  As soon as I finish I will be promptly purchasing CoD2, BIA:EIB, F.E.A.R. and BF:2.  I have to get my FPS fix.   more to come soon....