Because.... It's Coming.......
Psicosis5150 Blog
I'm Starting all over again
by Psicosis5150 on Comments
Last time i was here... i didn't really do much, i may have stepped on a few toes
But you guys will see, I'm a whole new Primo 8)
Just wait and see what surprises the next few days will bring. But i'll let you in on a hint, it has to do with me doing something no-one else here has ever done 8)
Oye Chico! I heard tomorrow is Primo's big Day!
by Psicosis5150 on Comments
Yep gotta love me refering to myself in 3rd person, i'm that awesome.8)
But the good news is i'm level 5 (97%) meaning by tomorrow i'll be level 6...which means i'll be qualified to lead a union of my own,which means Primo's Cabana is debuting tomorrow :D
I also have 2 slots open for anyone interested in being an officer so let me know, and i'll hook you up 8)
Ladies & Gentleman...get ready for the debut of Primo's Cabana where the drinks are free, and the girl's provide free room service 8)
You know what? it won't be much longer....until Primo's Cabana debuts!
by Psicosis5150 on Comments
So i've put it off for awhile i got busy, Which sucks because me not being here for awhile sort of killed all the momentum i had going a few weeks ago i was talking like i was going to take by storm. own my own union,become a great latino leader since there haven't been many
And i'm still going's just a matter of me building up enough credibility to lead a union, I already have some credibility I was officer in The Legacy for as long as it was around. I lead it for exactly 7 minutes too :D which means technically i am a former union leader...even if it only lasted 7 minutes :P
I'd like to offer a public apology to Ani_Manga200
by Psicosis5150 on Comments
forgive me for the bold,arrogant, and rude statements i made towards Ani_Manga200
So i apologize...
The reason i got so angry, is because i thought ani_Manga200 was insulting my abilities as a leader before he even gave me a chance, i didn't know he was just trying to help me, i thought he was criticizing me
I sincerely apologize
Ani_manga200 I'll prove you wrong...and become the greatest latino here ever...
by Psicosis5150 on Comments
i couldn't help but notice that ani_manga commented on my blog, and said many people fail at becoming the greatest union leader ever.
Well you see that's where your wrong, because i am not many people, No. I am in a completely and utterly different leauge of my own. I am the best in the world at what i do. and I Will revolutionize!!!
I am the essence of,the first and only cuban person to represent his country here. and most importandly...i am soon to be The Greatest Latino here ever!!
Because not just a gamespot legend, i am a gamespot god!
There's nothing wrong wth being a FORMER union leader to bad i'll be a current 1
by Psicosis5150 on Comments
So bad...So sad, Bari no longer leads died and is gone...Forevermore!!!!
Worry not Bari there's nothing wrong with being a FORMER union leader...nope nothing wrong with that at all, But it's tooo bad i'll be a current union leader :P
In just 2 days..48 hours, 2880 Minutes.... 172800 seconds, and 172800000 milliseconds I'll be a LEADER 8)
and'll be nothing more then an officer... in the Off-Topic Bar.
Sorry folks we had a huge competition going...and i won! :D
Face it....whether you admit it or not...Primo is THE FUTURE!
And my union will be one of the greatest in history.....why? Because i'm Primo...and I'm AWESOME!
Remember how i said i wanted to be the greatest latino here ever? Guess What!
by Psicosis5150 on Comments
Guys it is with my pleasure to announce that i Primo, am making my very own union! yeeee! i know it's soooo exciting! new union's always are incredibly exciting! and guess what else? My Very own union is going up Saturday this Saturday at exactly 4:09
get ready for history to be made! as i the first Cuban person will be a union leader
and after i make MY union, I'll make T-Shirts,Postcards,Coffee Mugs, and Birthday cards, with MY union on them
I have lead a union before, i lead The Legacy for exactly 5 minutes. Meaning i had the shortest Leadership reign in history! Forever More!!!!!!!!!
I want to carry on The Legacy, To Be the Greatest Latino Here...Ever!
by Psicosis5150 on Comments
Yeah this place is just something i do for fun 8) but i was thinking earlier when i was browsing around here, How cool would it be to do something great here? Something that sets me apart from everybody else, like become aneditor and what better way to honor my heritage then to become editor for a show like George Lopez :D or another Latino show, i would say for an anime series but those already have editor's in line for them
and when i get my union which i'll do soon i will be the very first person of 100% Cuban Nationality to hold leadership of a union here, i want to do something very few people here have done, become Editor and union leader, and hold both at the same time
Because Primo Masakazu.....Will Honor Cuba all over
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