At this point, there is NOTHING Sony can do to induce me to buy a PS3...except lower the price to 400 US dollars or less (and that's for the premium version). I will not encourage console makers to produce over-priced, under-performing nonsense by paying even close to 600 dollars for a console. Even at 400, I'd be trusting that eventually a decent game would come out for the PS3 (Motorstorm and Resistance are obsolete to anyone who's played Excite Truck and Gears of War). And wait, I have a 360 and a Wii already so PS3 needs a must-have title that's exclusive and as good as Halo, Gears, etc.
1. Animal Crossing (DS) 2. Powerstone (DC) 3. The Chronicles of Riddick: Director's Cut (PC) 4. Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth (Xbox) 5. Armed & Dangerous (Xbox)
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