You know what one of my favorite things in video games is? Character customization. I love games that have a deep character customization system. You can create a character that perfectly fits your personality. Not a lot of games have character customization though, and some have very little customization. Why? Because it's a pain in the ass. Can you imagine putting a whole load of clothing and tattoos and hair styles and other crap into a game? I can well imagine that it would be incredibly tedious. At some point, I'd like to create a game that would have a deep customization system.
What are some games that have deep customization systems? Well let's look at APB. The game itself reportedly has several issues with the tedium of missions and weapon imbalances and hit detection and a sh!t ton of other things. I think I know why, they put most of their effort into the customization system. It's awesome! You can customize your character, your car, your weapons, I think you can even graffiti the walls! HOLY SH!T! Why does this game suck again?
Namco loves to add customization to their fighting games. Look at Tekken! Each character has a different set of clothing that you can add onto them. Just find a character you like and rummage through their closet. Pick something you like! My fav character is Yoshimitsu btw. Soul Calibur is a series that watered down their customization system a lot. Soul Calibur III had a deep customization system. There were no status effects on your equipment, you had a tremendous load of crap to choose from and you could make your guy look however the hell you want and use whatever weapon you want without worrying about stats. Then SCIV came along and what the hell is this? There's so much less equipment to choose from and it's all STAT BASED! Your character can't even have their own fighting style! In the third game, there were classes that had different weapon selections. You had to level up to unlock new fighting styles and eventually be able to share fighting styles with default characters. In Soul Calibur IV, all fighting styles are shared with default characters. THAT'S BALLS! I want a deep customization system where I have a huge selection of equipment to choose from, a fighting style that's not used by a default character, and most of all, I DO NOT WANT TO HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT STATS!
The game that I'm most interested about is Brink, and not just for the customization system. The S.M.A.R.T. system is a great idea, and I want to see how it performs during the gameplay. For those of you who don't know, S.M.A.R.T. stands for Smooth Movement Across Random Terrain. The idea behind the system is that in most first person games, say you walk into a low object and some invisible force is preventing you from simply vaulting over a knee-high object. In Brink, you can do that and much more. You can wall jump, vault over low objects, slide under high objects, jump up to higher areas, think of the possibilities with a system like that! Oh and there's the character customization. It seems fairly basic the first time looking at it. Everything's categorized, face overlay, head gear, upper body, lower body, tattoos. Yeah, I know, but the real thing for me is that there are still so many possibilities with all of the options you have at hand. You can be the security force or the resistance, you can have a light, medium, or heavy body type, you have a sh!t load of clothes and masks to choose from, you have perks to choose from, and most of all, weapons to choose from and customize. Pretty complicated huh? I think this game could be awesome. We'll see in Spring 2011.
Well, that's my thoughts. What do you guys make of all this crap? Post your ideas in the comments. ASS!