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E3 Reactions

Wow, this was an incredible year for E3. New kickass games popping up all over the place. All of them are shaping up to be great games. Here are my reactions to some of these games.

Kirby's Epic Yarn: Only Nintendo could make a great game about yarn. This game actually looks really cool. The whole thing looks like a crazy arts and crafts project. I'm looking forward to it. I've never felt more alive! Get it? Felt? FELT!

Marvel vs. Capcom 3: You guys should know by now that I'm a fan of 2D fighters, and this game is going to be awesome! We already have a great cast of characters in the game, and even if any of our favorites don't make it, they might be added as DLC! The game itself has a comic book style so that the Marvel characters will feel more at home, but even the Capcom characters look great! Ryu, Chris Redfield, and Dante all look just as good if not better than they do in their respective games. I still want to know who you guys want to see in this game. I want Wesker, I want Vergil, I want Arthur from GProxy-Connection: keep-alive Cache-Control: max-age=0 sts 'n Goblins, I want Dr. Wily, I want Jon Talbain from Darkstalkers, and I definitely want Akuma. What marvel characters do I want to see? Well, how about Carnage? The guys from Kick-Ass? They're Marvel. Oh wait, I got it. How about Daredevil? Right?

Kid Icarus: Pit's finally getting a new game. Surprised? I'm not after they made a new model for him in Brawl. His new games actually look pretty good at this point. He gets one for the Wii and one for the 3DS. I think it's funny that knew that Nintendo was going 3D again and they made fun of it. Pit even gets God of War style weapons! He gets not only his bow but claws, blades, and even GUNS! Now that's awesome.

HardCorps Uprising: It's Contra. That's really what it is. It's just like Contra or Metal Slug. Whichever you're more familliar with. It has the anime style that's become more popular in recent days. It's an anime style run and gun game, like GunGrave for example, only this one's 2D.

Goldeneye 007: I had just been playing the original Goldeneye and I rented the movie when I heard about this game. This is going to be awesome. Just like the original, but with the best graphics I've seen on the Wii and Online multiplayer. This is the new Call of Duty. Welcome home, FPS whores.

Metal Gear Solid Rising: I waited until the end to talk about this one. I have some questions about it as well as some opinions. Does this game take place before or after Metal Gear Solid 4? I'm assuming it's after, meaning Solid Snake is either dead or very old, Liquid's dead, and Big Boss is dead, and technology's rapidly becoming more advanced. They already showed the United States Future Soldier concept in the previous game. We can also clearly see that we have artificial human beings or cyborgs in this game from the very beginning of the trailer. Raiden is looking more and more like Snake with every game, has anyone noticed that? He's got a new suit, a new sword, and now an eye patch. What is it with this theme of eyepatches? I wouldn't be surprised if Hideo Kojima has an eye patch somewhere in that office space of his. In this game we can now absorb energy, information, and data from cyborg guts. That's gross and awesome. I also want to know if firearms will be usable at all or if it's just different bladed weapons, or if it's just the one weapon and you can unlock new techniques. In any case, I'm good with that. If this game's even half as good as MGS4, I'll be happy.

Now you know my thoughts, what are yours?