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Failing at Legend of Zelda (RPG Talk)

So I've been trying to make progress in LoZ Ocarina of Time because the progress I've made in the game is laughable at best. The version I own is actually on the Gamecube, rather than the N64. Don't ask why I don't have the N64 version, cause I have no idea. So I went into the Dodongo's Cavern (See, I'm not very far in am I?) and I solved all the puzzles. I died a few times. One of the puzzles is going to the top of the cavern, falling onto the giant skeleton head at the far end of the room, getting out bombs, and setting them in the eye sockets where they explode and you are let in. WHO IN THE UNHOLY NAME OF F*CK **** IS SUPPOSED TO FIGURE THAT OUT? I only figured it out because I got bored and I just tried it. The boss is fairly easy once you get the rhythm, but I did die a few times on it. You gotta throw bombs into it's mouth and hit it with your sword. It does it's rolling attack after you hit it or after it hits you with fire. You can either stand in a corner or use the Hylian Shield to defend against it. When it dies, it doesn't just die, it gets burned alive and gets stuck in the ground! Then I'm supposed to go to Death Mountain, but I die in 14 seconds exactly. I'm supposed to get the Goron Tunic, but IT'S 200 RUPEES! WHAT THE HELL! I can only carry 99 rupees! Is there a bag somewhere that I can get that allows me to carry more rupees? THERE MUST BE! WHERE IS IT?

I was also playing Fallout 3 about 20 minutes before I started this post. You know how you get into Tenpenny Tower by nuking Megaton and killing everyone? Well, what I just did was the exact opposite. I lived in Megaton from the very start of the game. I'm level 11, I fast traveled to a place near Tenpenny Tower, and I was lucky enough that they let me in. I got my Combat Shotgun, and I killed every security guard inside and outside the building, nearly all of the store clerks, a few residents, and of course Alistair Tenpenny himself. I had already killed Mister Burke back when I just started playing the game. I shot him in Moriarty's Bar and no one seemed to care. I guess they knew that he was from out of town. When Tenpenny died, he didn't just fall to the ground, all of his limbs and his head exploded off of his body and he FELL OFF THE TOWER! He fell all the way down to the ground! It was just awesome. I died the first time because I didn't have any recovery items and everyone was on me, but the second time, I came through. Killing those stuck up bastards was one of the most satisfying things I've done in Fallout 3. Now don't take that too seriously.

An RPG I played a lot a while back was Tales of Symphonia. The problem is, the game simply would not let me move on. I'm supposed to fight a boss at Lake Umacy, but it won't let me fight the boss. There are actually two bosses at Lake Umacy, according to every walkthrough I've looked at. I killed one, so where's the other one? My only option now is to start over from square one. What a fatal flaw. Did I miss something? I'm supposed to find a cure for a sick person, but I can't do that if I can't find the boss. Well, I beat the game, at least I got as far as you can get before it f*cks out!

This was a rather large blog post...