CMP150: A small, weak machine pistol that is obviously based on the Steyr TMP. Not one of my favorites but still a decent weapon, especially if dual wielded.
Cyclone: This thing is kind of interesting. It can fire off the whole clip with one burst as it's secondary function. This thing was designed to be inaccurate, and it's a good weapon.
Callisto NTG: I'm not sure what to say about this one. It's an SMG that can fire quickly or fire more slowly but do higher damage. Kind of like the UT Stinger Minigun.
AR34: My personal favorite assault rifle. It closely resembles the FAMAS, and is just as handy as the one in MW2. It's fully automatic and it can use it's scope as often as you want, even for walking around.
K7 Avenger: A pretty standard assault rifle. It can scope out explosives and stuff but still pretty standard.
RCP120: This thing has a HUGE magazine capacity of 120 and a cloaking device. And it also looks like the P90! What more could you want?
Dragon: Once again, a basic assault rifle. It can transform into a proximity mine and make it look like a weapon you can pick up. Other than that, pretty basic.
Superdragon: Same as the Dragon, but with a grenade launcher instead of the mine feature.
Tune in next time for more.