Welcome to another rant by me, Psycho-Hazard.
You know, I was ponderng the other day about two cartoons that are notorious for being pretty much entirely adult-oriented. South Park, and Happy Tree Friends. What I was wondering is why Happy Tree Friends seems to get a lot more negative reactions than South Park? Don't get me wrong, the show is incredibly gruesome, but so is South Park. South Park also has adult humor and gratuitous cursing. I don't get it. True, South Park is funny, and much of the time Happy Tree Friends is not. Even so, I think the characters in Happy Tree Friends are much more likable. South Park has been running longer, but not a whole lot longer. Despite the fact that it's only on it's third season (fourth if you count the TV season.) Happy Tree Friends has been running since 1999. So South Park (which btw started in 1996.) only has about 3 and a half years on it. There's no reason why Happy Tree Friends should get more negative reactions than South Park. NO REASON! BTW I like them both.
Oh dear lord. It's amazing to see how far Sonic the Hedgehog has fallen since he first jumped into 3-D. It's obvious that the best Sonic games are the first 5 that came out on the Genesis. Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic 2, Sonic CD, Sonic 3, and Sonic and Knuckles. Sonic 3 and Knuckles is the best Sonic game ever with Sonic CD running ever so closely behind. WHY DO WE NOT HAVE SONIC GAMES LIKE THOSE TODAY? WHAT IN THE UNHOLY NAME OF ASS IS WRONG WITH YOU SEGA? Actually, Sega recently announced an unknown game called Project Needlemouse (Mr. Needlemouse was Sonic's original name.). I can't remember waht consoles it was announced for, but what I do know is that it will be based around the same style of gameplay as Sonic Rush, and the daytime stages of Sonic Unleashed. Sonic Unleashed is actually the best sonic game to come out within the past two years. What will this new title hold? Only time will tell.
I ran out of things to rant about pretty quickly this time eh? ^^
Well I'll make a new post once I think of something else to rant about.
What I do want to see from Sega though is the games from the Dreamcast on the Wii Virtual Console. I'm not kidding. I never got to play Skies of Arcadia, Shenmue, or Phantasy Star Online. Bring them to the Wii!