I'm not really sure, I just finished the Bad Fur Day review and I'm not sure what game to do next. I'm planning on trying either Phantasy Star Online for the Gamecube or Phantasy Star Zero for the DS. You tell me which one's better. I also recently heard about a game called TimeSplitters 2 that looks pretty sweet. It looks like a combination between Perfect Dark and Jet Force Gemini in terms of graphics and gameplay style. And you can dual wield Tommy Guns! That's absolutely awesome! As stated in my DMC4 review, I want to see the original Devil May Cry trilogy on PSN so I can download them and finally play them. DMC4 was awesome, but I want to play the other games in the series too. That's all I got. I'm Psycho-Hazard, I play games, write reviews, and complain.
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