i wanna to buy a few ps3 games,so post me a few good game and a reason why you recommend me to buy these games.i don't want the GS review,all i want is other dude,dudette and other thing opinion.
kk its easy,sent ur sin i mean son to the millitary academy or something and let him face the real thing,real guns,real pain and in real life.let's see wats his expression or feelings.
wanna know why i buy a ps3?k.there's few reason 1.cool exclusives game. 2.durability. 3.sleek black design(it does looks like a griller though.) 4.free online. 5.cuz i want it. 6.im a sony fan. 7.it is awesome. 9,i skipped 8 LOL. 10,cuz,it can increase my reputation at here.(eventhough i keeping low profile) 11.urgh rrod. 12........i have no more reasons...... thats what made me get it.now,lets hear what others think...........
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