Really doesn't matter who won. Most judge it by sales and forget buyer's remoarse or forget quality over quantity. If you have a sytem with fewer console sales but better software sales, does it still not count? How about if a lower selling console has the highest gamer playtime on average than a higher selling console?
Last generation the PS2 was the concencus winner with the GameCube and Xbox 1 being neck and neck, IMO the Xbox 1 smoked both of them out of the water - anyone would agree if they actuall explored the Xbox 1s library while the PS2 degraded every star 90s era franchise it had.
To me personally, the PS3 is great as is the Wii, wiht the 360 being a travesty, with the RROD and having barely any exclusives at this point and time vs. Sony's prettier console and there's little reason past 2009 to choose a 360 over a PS3 aside from online gaming.
I finally caved and got a PS3 and to me, while I'm glad to finally play these games, what I suspected appears to be true-most of it's library is the same game over and over as is the Xbox. Everything has been slanted towards a shooter/action/mainstream genre to the point where you have first person shooters referred to as RPGs. The diversity of the 90s appears to be gone with Sony and Microsoft. All the old famous Sony franchises have been stripped away of their personality and have gone downhill since the PS2 era and the new franchises, while great, are the same / similar genre of shooter or action stealth.
But this will probably be the first generation without a clear BORDER. The PS3 IMO could probably compete with the Wii U for 2 years very easily. IMO the Wii U seems to have fallen in the mainstream shooter / action trap and am sad to see Nintendo didn't have a stud exclusive and a first party must have title (mario doesn't count).
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