Okay, y'know that smiley that i used in a blog? It's now a profile icon, because it was cute in my opinion. :P Oh! And i leveled up to Door No. 2! 1 more till i reach Level 10! I Might contribute a little. :)
And, almost forgot, the Next part of SMG!
Message to MightyBFan25 and Girlygirl 24 and all other Mighty B Fans: This contains a spoof of the show, so don't be offended.
Narrator: (Severe) In the previous episode, Mario were swearing as a giant F*ck, he let Bowser take away Peach so he could be alone with his "Porn". He's now in a Galaxy, rescueing more Power Sars to make the Computer Work! And i said SARS, not Stars.
Mario: (Shows up in the middle of the screen) What the F*ck do you know!?! You haven't been on my adventues, EVER!!!
Narrator: I'm just saying what Bessie Higgenbottom told me.
Bessie: (In The Narrator's ear, whispering)) And tell him that Mario's Penis got smaller and that no girl ever likes him again!
Narrator: And Mario's Penis got so small that no girl ever likes him again!
Bessie: (Whisperin')
Narrator: What a dumb*ss.
Mario: Dumb Bessie! How dare you offend the (Showing his muscles) most Red Known Video Game Character in the world?!!
Bessie: Um... Me?!
Mario: (Kicks Bessie away) Die, stupid B*tch! You're a ho ho hoe! Can we return to the episode please?
(After Mario lost a life, he returns at a planet with a Giant Egg)
Mario: Huh? it took THIS short to get to the Boss? F*cking damn. I want to, F*ck up the goombas and Bob Saget, TO GET THE PRINCESS AND HAVE HENTAI SEX!!!! Ya, I could already imagine how that would be.
(The Egg gets broken and out, comes a Dino Piranha!)
Dino Piranha: EEEEEEGGGHH!!!!!!
Mario: Hey, tune it down, you're destroying my perfect hearing!
Dino Piranha: Oh Sorry, it was this Flea biting on me. (He Explodes and farts out a Power Star)
Mario: WHat the F*ck? Oh, never mind i touch his Sh*t! He's so Gross!
Power Star: Grab me.
Mario: Tha would be so Gross, dude!
Power Star: ... do it.
Mario: Alright then. (Carefully, touching the Star, nothing happens) Ah, then it's alright! (The PLanet Explodes)
Power Star: Oh, i was wrong about me. I was "Explosive", ha-ha. Beat your ass out of my Sh*t.
Mario: (Arrives angrily and Stomps on The Star and gets away, he's singing) F*cking *ssholes, Titf*ck licking, my Giant Penis lalalalalalala. (Comes again) Oh, almost Forgot! (grabs the Power Star) (At The Observatory)
Rosalina: Welcome Back, Mario! I Knew it would happen.
Mario: Oh, I'm Shadow Mario, Mario is at the computer room and watching Pornos.
Rosalina: Okay, but say to him that i'm thanking him for rescuing the power STar.
Shadow Mario: Okay, i won't, because i'll take those Stars away! ( Jumping into the beacon and dies)
Rosalina: Wow, the Beacon really IS Strong, Not Wierd that 100 Lumas dies every year.
No Lumas, Bessies or anyone took damage under the story.
To Be Continued...