Okay, i've been shouting at you all, so now i'm saying it loudly. Maybe not you, but yes, i'm angry.
I commented on Justin Timberlake - Sexy Back. a long time ago, a guy posted up a comment saying "All Germans are f**king gay and i answered him saying: "Are you one? Well, but say that to Angry german kid and let him kill you! I'm not german, but don't critize them! It's only hitler you should say UR F-ING GAY to. What have the germans done to you?"
And, everybody misunderstood me so they rated it -3. I WAS TRYING TO TELL HIM IT'S BAD TO CRITIZIZE!! Well, bye. Need a moment for myself.
I think that part when i said: Let Angry German Kid kill you was a little disruptive, but it was just because i was so angry, and no one want to believe me. :evil::evil::evil::evil: