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Super Mario Galaxy: Rescue for the Power Stars. (My SMG story)

(It was a nice day in Mushroom Kingdom, Mario is on his way to the Star Festival)

Mario: Alrightepasta! Hello, Toad!

Toad: Hi, Mario! Nice day, isn't it?

Mario: Sure is!

Toadette: The Princess is over there, i think she wants to meet you!

Mario: Alright then... Stupid girl.

Toadette: Huh?

Mario: (Like nothing happened) Oh, oh, nothing nothing! (Walking away)

Toadette: It sounded like Sweet World, or something.

(Mario is Walking against the road, but when he arrives to the square, Bowser's ship arrives, Mario tries to run to the princess, he gets hit, but he continues running, at the Castle, A Space ship Grabs it up with Peach at the Bridge, Mario gets up)

Mario: Princessiolanedare! I'll do it with amore!

Peach: Mario!

Magikoopa: Get down, Fat son of a Star Bit!

Mario: Uh-oh. (Magikoopa is throwing a fireball at Mario and he falls down to earth) Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!

(Later, Mario Wakes up, but not at earth, it's on a Planet called "The Gate", a Luma is between him, he transforms into a bunny, Mario Wakes up)

Mario: Huholando? A Bunniaro? I Must stop with that Alcoholico Pasta, el mundo.

Luma: Follow me! (Bouncing away)

Mario: I'm not ready, Wait, goddamnit, wait! (Gets up and runs away)

(They arrives to 2 other Lumas transformed into Bunnies)

Bunny 2: Let's play Chase! Catch all of us and we'll tell our secret! It's a big!

Bunny 1: Okay, count to 20!

Mario: Okay, 1, 2, (20 seconds later)

Mario: 20! Now i come! (Running to a Warp Pipe and looks there, down there' it's a bunny)

Bunny 1: FOund me! (Transform into a normal Luma)

MArio: Damn, find a better place to hide at, cause that was to easy!

Luma 1: Watch out before i transform into an axe and kill ya!

Mario: Relax, Thingy Creature!

Luma: 5 seconds...

Mario: What kind of F**ked up scary Flying-by-farting Creature are you anyway?

Luma: 3 seconds, Fat Guy.

Mario: Ah, F**k this, Sh**head.

Luma: 1 second, fatbeard.

Mario: Poophead? (Luma transforms into an axe and kills Mario, a sign says Too Bad, he Loses a life and begins where he met the bunny)

Mario: Whoa, where am i?

(Same Luma kills him again, he dies and loses a life, same things repeatly happens untill he lost his last life)

(Later, Mario returns, The Luma forgot all about him)

Luma: Follow me! (Later, Mario found the rabbit)

Mario: Found Ya! (Running to a giant hole, finds a rabbit, and goes to a bounche of grass and finds a rabbit)

Mario: Okay, could you guys tell me the secret now?

All the Lumas: We're Lumas!

Mario: Huh? That's all? You guys piss me off!

Luma 1: Not really, look over there! (A Giant tower appears, Mario Runs to it and tries to get up, but he falls down all the time)

Mario: Does it really have to be THIS hard?!

Luma 2: Try the stairs!

Mario: ... God F**king damnit. (Runs against them, but he tripped over at one stair and falls into a Spike bush and loses a life)

(He returns at the flowers)

Mario: I seriously hate dying! (He's running to the tower again, he walks slowly up to the tower)

Rosalina: (Mario finally came up to the tower) I've been watching you from here.

Mario: Oh, really? What's my name?

Rosalina: Uh,... oh, uh, dunno.

Mario: Ha! You haven't seen me at all! What have i been doing the last few years?

Rosalina: Uh, fighting a big Turtle with spikes on his shell.

Mario: Name?

Rosalina: ... Goddamnit! I don't care about the names, just what they're doing!

Mario: Who are you, anyway?

Rosalina: Guess.

Mario: ... Goddamnit! I don't care about the names, just what they're doing!

Rosalina: Are you imitating me?

Mario: Are you imitating me?

Rosalina: Bee

MArio: Bee.

Rosalina: Cosmic destruction.

Mario: Cosmic Destruction.

Rosalina: I love my penis.

Mario: I love my... hey! i don't!

Rosalina: ... Ah, screw this thing!

To be continued on this blog.