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Super Mario Galaxy: Rescue for the Power Stars Pt. 6

(at Good Egg Galaxy)

Mario: Wow, big place. Wonder what it's called. (Walks to a sign) Hmm, what does it say? Can you guess, kids watching this show?

Kids: No, not at all.

Mario: Well, Screw you, F*ckholes!! I'll rape you someday! :evil:

Kids: Die, Uncle Mario.

Mario: Uncle F*cker!

Goomba: Wanna watch porn?

Mario: Oh no, Goddamnit! Not again! Never mind i meet the screamers again! (Runs away)

Goomba: Wow, he don't like porn at all. (Turns on a DVD player, he's watching a Porno video) Oh yeah, it shoul... aohh, ugh!! Oh My God, it's so hot! (He begins to burn) AAAAHHH!!!!! I'M BURNING!!! HELP!!!! F************K!!!!!!!!

(Mario is running to a Luma)

Mario: Hi, What's your name?

Luma: Pricky Pricksson.

Mario: Okay, Pricky, can you transform into a Launch star?

Luma: Why?

Mario: What? Just because of i love scanks, i can't tell the SpongeBob Intro reverse wrong!

YoHahahaha, House Snow froze on Bob, he's nuts!

That nerd's Bob Clips That nerd's Bob Clips That nerd's Bob clips That nerd's bob clips

Squidward's downtown

Sh*t on your mother, Terristical Warner.

Squidward don't go!

She win the bus, seems there is 100 men.

His Poo's Shelter.

Easy Cheers off, no mind never rooster.

Aunt Pearl's small blouse.ยจ

He sat on the alaboob, he ran as a loop.


You're a liar!

Oh, Sure is nasty, ya!

You're a liar!

Stick it right up!

Luma: Whoa, I'll transform. (Tranforms into a Launch Star)

Mario: OKay? (Shooting away with the Launch Sar)

(At a planet, it's rolling chain chomps)

Mario: Aww, Cute dogs! Hey, Chompie, Chompie!

Chompie: W00f.

Mario: F*ck you! (SHowing his middle finger)

Chompie: Grrr... (Rolling at MArio, but before Mario gets rolled over by Chompie, it gets to Mario's Tourettes time)

Mario: Ahh, it's good, i remember my mother, she was... A BIG FAT SLAMP!!!

(Scene 2)

Luigi: Mario, i'm in love with princess peach.

Mario: She's mine, you Prick

(Scene 3)

Peach: Mario, you saved me! Thank you!

Mario: Yeah Yeah, B*tch, you're nothing compared with extremely sexually sluts.

(Scene 4)

Yoshi: Yoshi!

Mario: Yes, you're Yoshi. Come to the thing!
Yoshi: Yoshi!

Mario: Yeah yeah, you green reptile!

Yoshi: Yoshi.

Mario: Oh, F*ck you, Man!

(Scene 5)

Daisy: Hey, Mario! Wanna play Tennis?

Mario: Sure want to!

Daisy: I'm gonna be so happy playing with you!

Mario: Uh, Daisy, you're a Wh*re.

Daisy: But Maaaario?

Luigi: Burn in hell, Mario!

(Scene 6)

Peach: So, when did you realize that Jonas had sex with Miley Cyrus?

Daisy: Ah, not so Long time ago, like 2 weeks ago.

Peach: Okay, When it's to me, i'm a...

Mario: Suck my balls!

(Scene 7)

Mario: Oh, what is that? (Pulling a doorbell, it explodes) AAH, Bob Saget! He's a Wh*reloving birdpuking backstabbing sh*ttaking OOJH fan! F*ck, he's an idiot. :twisted:

(End of Mario's Tourettes)

Mario: Oh Gosh, i'm a flat Mr. Game & watch F*cker. Let's see, Star Chips? I'm gonna take catch 'em all! (5 star chips later) Time to launch to the next planet! (He arrives at a hole and he gets sucked by the hole)

AAAHHH!!!!F**********K!!! NOT AGAIN!!!! GODDAMN *SSHOLES!!!!!!!!!!! (Mario Loses a life)

To Be Continued...