[QUOTE="Puiumami"][QUOTE="crude_darkness"][QUOTE="e-dub221"]Maybe it was Greek then. We're are talking about events that occured in the Middle East around Israel and Jerusalem. Besides, Jesus didn't write the bible. God used man to write it under the direction of his holy spirit.GFahim
Exactly. We Muslims believe that there was no connection between Jesus and the Bible (the current one). The very first Bible that was written, has been lost. What exists is only the various translations, and the many versions.
We believe that Jesus had been given a book by God, but it was corrupted by humans.
We believe Paul and friends didn't have a holy ghost take over them and make them write the Bible. The teachings of God existed before they wrote the books. They just manipulated what was written before them.
This is basically what we believe as Muslims.
Thank you, thank you for taking advantage of the situation for your own, I especially love (sarcasm) your ending sentence, "This is basically what we believe as Muslims." Islam, as much as you will hate to hear this because it raises uncertainity, is a false religion my friend. Now don't get me wrong, some of my good friends are muslim, but that does not mean that the religion, Islam is not false.
I would like for you to explain to me, if Paul and the fellow Apostles (not friends, my friend) did not have the Holy Ghost in them, how then do you explain when they healed the sick, crippled, and taught the people with great authority, so much so that they would have converts in the thousands. How do you explain the people hearing the Apostles speak in all the languages at the feast in Jerusalem when people all over the known world attended...? Perhaps in your own opinion, they "corrupted" it and made it up as they went along..
Maybe that is why they all were martyred for their faith in Jesus Christ, because they "made their own book" eh? And, what exactly did they manipulate?
I quote you, "They just manipulated what was written before them." Couldn't have been the Old Testament if you say that the Koran is the only true word of God to man. Looks like you fell into your own trap there.
Anyways, if you haven't already cursed me and praised allah, maybe you'd like to know that Islam is the force of the devil. How could your Mohammed be told by an angel that he would become a prophet, when only God can dictate who is a prophet before him! Perhaps you would like to explain what the world Allah means? Or perhaps you do not know... I shall tell you.
Allah comes from the world Illlah, meaning God of gods, more specifically the 360 gods of Arabia before the propagation of Islam, just when Mohammed came, his own grandparents still served in the pagan god temples. Also, I'd really like to know why you say the Koran is the only true and uncorrupted word of God, please do tell.
i will answer that. ok, u basically said it urself that the 'apostles' made the word up along. thats why there are so many contradictions as the original words from God were erased due to people (mathew, john, luke etc) changing it. that is why the Quran was revealed so that this message not only goes to the people in the middle east, but to the whole world. why else do u think Islam is not only the fastest growing religion in America, but in the world. its just that the media are afraid to accept it.
yes, the angel Jibrael (Gabriel) did say that Prophet Muhammad is the messenger. but those word that were said by the angel were from Allah. Allah will notspeak directly to humans. thats why He created angels. read carefully before u say stupid remarks. if u read the Quran, u will find out that the Quran is the truth. take a look at this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dK00xTkMGO0&mode=related&search=
more and more people are coming to Islam: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j6PJgJdEzNM&mode=related&search=
Haha, I knew you would get defensive and mad! What, can't take any criticism? Before you call me stupid, my muslim friend, please learn to quote me correctly huh, at least that. I said,
"Perhaps in your own opinion, they "corrupted" it and made it up as they went along.."
but obviously you just took my words and fabricated what you wanted so you could call me stupid. And why won't your false god speak to humans? Because he is false of course! Anyways, before you call me stupid because I don't know what Angels are, messengers of God, maybe you'd like to also know, since obviously your so fascinated with angels, that angels can take human form, and angels that showed to Mohammed was not nescessarily Gabriel... if you didn't know demons are fallen angels. Otherwise, would God not have told Mohammed himself? But, no go right ahead and skip this part, just like you skipped my earlier part.
Then you have the indecency to mention that "Islam is the fastest growing religion, but the media is afraid"...What are you saying there, because to me, it sounds like a personal attack against Christians and trust me when I say, you don't intimidate me at all. Speaking of attacks, perhaps you'd like to share with Gamespot how exactly Muslims "convert" people in other parts of the world, since you did say "Islam is not only the fastest growing religion in America, but in the world"... let me fill you in.
It's through fear, personal attacks on property, and murdering and pillaging. Christians are martyred daily because of Muslims when they come in mobs and burn down Churches, and kill anyone who does not turn to Islam... must of forgot that piece of information.
And another thing, the only reason it's becoming the "biggest religion in the world" is because most Muslims are immigrating all over the world, just look at Europe and Canada.
I hope you don't report this, since I had a Muslim person do that to me before and I was suspended, but go right ahead if your conciousness is okay with it.
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