Brink let me down. I take that back. I let myself down. Over-investing in a game's hype has never been a problem with me until Brink. I was drawn in by the colors, the SMART movement system, the team-based multiplayer, the art-design, and the customization. This game is supposed to be tailor-made for someone who has grown tired of the monotonous Call of Duty deathmatch and wants a team based fps where, if you leave your team, you die alone, and often. Then I played the game.
I have never been so disappointed in my life with a game. I tried positive self-talk: "Oh, this is still great despite a, b, c, and d being totally wrong. I'll love it anyway!" I tried to to ignore the enemy AI in the campaign, the relentless lag that would render me paralyzed at the start of a multiplayer game, and the fact that I couldn't un-do my tattoo (I know this seems petty and stupid, and it probably is, but I couldn't get over it).
Brink's concept is brilliant. I bought in to the hype. I pre-ordered the game, taking a risk that I wouldn't take unless it was a game that I absolutely knew was going to be good (finished). I'm taking this experience and filing it under "teachable moment." Pre-ordering a game will probably be out of the question for awhile. When I do mount the courage to walk into an establishment and slap down my $10 down payment, it will be for a game that can't miss (most likely Mass Effect 3 or Battlefield 3). Until then, I'll enjoy the games I have and eagerly anticipate the arrival of my LA Noire pre-order. I'm going into this game expecting that Rockstar willput out a finished product. Anything beyond that will be icing on the cake.
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