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An issue/complaint to the game industry.

Is everything in the gaming industry going so well right now? According to industry reports, they have passed film during the last couple of years in profit. So, it would seem that we are doing pretty well right now. However, are record profits good for gamers? In the last few years, we have seen a large increase in users of our favorite media outlets. It's great to be able to walk in to a game store and seeing more people getting involved. Normal work conversations about the weather have now turned over to how the weather effects in the newest Call of Duty seem so realistic. It seems more and more people every day experience the passion many of us have been enjoying for years. Of course, with the great user-base increasing, many companies, it seems, are trying to push out games so fast to take advantage of gamers' wallets. If a company's only goal is to make a game good enough for profit, does that make them put less time and effort in to the art of a project? Now, I understand the difference between publishers and developers, so now I will separate each away from the "company" aspect. Developers have one goal, to make a game people want to play in a timely manner. Publishers, on the other hand, have many factors that come in to effect; profits, shareholders, budgets, to name a few. The relationship between the two is dependent on whether the developer can deliver on their promise on their release dates, or how well the publisher is doing financially. I know that the ultimate goal of business is to make a profit, but why all the shovelware? I can't seem to grasp the idea of producing incomplete and/or terrible games just to sell to a certian demographic, because they usually don't sell well once people find out how bad it is. I'm not saying this is the fault of the publisher's hand telling them that they need to make a licensed game, that's a part of their contract agreements to look out for their shareholders. I'm also not saying it's the fault of the developer, either, they have very little time to get these games ready by their shipping date so they can have funding for their next project. What I'm saying is that there is a problem with the communication between the two that is causing a bad relationship for their company, and it shows in the games. If everyone took time to truly care about what they're creating, we would see many more games coming that are higher quality. We gamers are a tough crowd to please. They have to be able to deliver a quality product to us, or we'll turn our backs on them. We don't want a simple port of an older version of the game, we want a new experience every time. Our 50-60 dollars is quite a bit for us to sacrifice for the sake of entertainment. I'm tired of the shovelware/drawn out sequels. It's time these companies start pushing towards a brighter future of gaming that gives us a reason to keep doing our favorite hobby.