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PureDarkness17 Blog

My thoughts on E3 2012

It wasn't the best E3 Conferences but i still think it was awesome overall, Ubisoft won due to sheer amount of awesome games, i'm a big fan of the splinter cell series, watch dogs looks really interesting with the hacking and everything, my Fav game out of them would be Farcry 3 not because the whole shooting aspect of it but it's just that insane bad guy, he is so well made, makes you want to keep playing/watching to see what he will do next, this generation has been lacking in real boss characters and it's been kinda sad, i think it will be awesome how you will go along the game and he keeps getting you, trapping, stabbing you with a poison knife and then hopefully at one point you will get your revenge and it will actually mean something to us when we do. I also think Ubi did well in making themselves known, they where in all the other 3 conferences in a big way, huge reveals etc.

Nintendo disappointed me, i was hoping to see brand new awesome wiiu games that will make me want to buy the system, instead we got alot of dancing games and some minigames as well, they spent so long on that nintendoland thing as well which will probably ship with the WIIU anyways so it's not like they need to try a promote it or anything. What i don't get is why are the major 3 showing casual games at E3 press conferences....the people who watch E3 are GAMERS they want to see games not usher dancing for 5mins...If you want to advertise Dance central or Nike training (wth was that!?) then do it on the TV where the people are mostly likely to buy that kind of stuff are...

I know i'm writing a lot but oh well, i also felt that the lack of handheld games in the conferences was horrible, as an owner of the 3DS and Vita i felt that the two companies where ashamed of their handheld consoles so tried to ignore then as best as they can during the conferences....i don't see why people are saying this generation handhelds are failing when the stats say that the 3DS has sold more than the DS in the same amount of time, Too me we should get rid of the consoles and make it just PC and Handhelds, so for something on the move but then when you're at home you got your PC...Consoles are just holding us back in terms of gameplay and graphics, they said most of the games at E3 where played on the PC to make sure it looked the smoothest and at its best and most games now (a bit like bf3) have enhancements for the PC because they know that their games can be better....We NEED the next gen by 2013 please...i want to use my Gaming PC properly.

I was hoping to see Animal Crossing and New Little Kings Story at E3 as well and was also impressed with the new Sly Cooper and will most likely get it for my Vita, I will also be getting the new Most Wanted, Far Cry 3, Halo 4, Borderlands 2 and maybe Crysis 3 if my GF won't have a moan at me for playing too many games xD