Listen to this one. While playing the orange box, team fortress, capture the flag tonight, 2 gamers started cussing at the other players on the team because we were losing. I stood up for them and then they jumped on me. They said they were brothers and that they were going to kill my family and then rape them after they were dead. They then said they would burn them like black people but they used the N word. I told them I was filing a complaint, they said, we dont care, nobody is going to do anything cause they are all just a bunch of N's.I thought, what a bunch of idiots, then they did this. They got their friends to send mail to me threatening to kill me, stab me, rape me, that they would make everyone their slaves.They even told a 12 year old boy on the team they were going to tie him up and rape him, then stab him in the throat.The messages are still in my mailbox. They continued to harass and threaten anyone that joined the team. Of course I left, but then I got bombarded with hate mail. They said they were going to make up stuff and get their friends to file complaints on me. I filed like 9 reports on them in 20 minutes. What really gets me is that they really seemed to not care, i told them they were reported and they said, "we dont care, tell them n's to *^&(*(%(" What steps do I take if any? I wrote the gamertags down, they were LT Loucks06 and Sublimedcloud
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Seriously though, if you pay for this 'service' the least they could do is actually make it a service. They should step in on things like this.
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