What the hell is this guys, really this are the worst awards I've seen.These categories suck man, it's like just because winner, these aren't real categories you're not awarding anything specific ,this is stupid, Gamespot will lose a lot of credibility after this I guarantee it. Bad , lame idea.
There will be better graphics,perhaps closer to cinema but saying it 'll be undistinguishable is just stupid since artificiality will never reproduce the way we experience the real world because of its complexity and cognitive implications, even the entire processing power in the world can't visually match 5 minutes of the information u receive through your eyes.
They did the same with "Zelda : Skyward Sword" everyone gave it a 10 and the review by Gamespot gave it a 7.5 which is plainly ridiculous .Bit Trip Runner 2 has higher score with 9 than "Last of Us", proving they're just fools.They should just fire a couple of editors to regain any interest in their web site.They clearly went over their heads.
@JBStone1981 @Purify @demonkingx5 I'm paying attention and I really hope that's the case, but as easy as it may be is just layers above layers and renders and renders more complex than current gen.I mean i read an article about how much time square enix took to make that fancy CGI movie at the presentation (Agni's Philosophy) ,a whole damn year.You can say all you want, but more power means much more resources
@demonkingx5 come on!! a wiiU costs the same as a PS VITA,you know how much will the PS4 will cost,just about the double for what, better graphics?I prefer any of nintendo franchises,any (Even Kirby's f*****g yarnball) than any of the THIRD PARTY GAMES playstation announced today.I mean they only have 2 exclusives so far and guess what with their precious new GPU and CPU capabilities is going to take them longer to develop more of them, so happy wait for Uncharted 4 in the year 2015.
@Gears_0f_L0ve I want clever games like before,where people used to play for the challenge not the looks of it.I'm not complaining just for the fun it,I just want developers to their job instead of writing paychecks to unfitted people
@JBStone1981 @Purify Yeah I agree with that but "limitless" hardware potential means that they're expecting developers to use it's full capability that means a larger budget to make all those million particles fly somewhere on the game instead of investing on storytellers and gameplay designers. Back in the day games used to be more clever because they had certain limitations and sony is pushing those boundaries.It's not bad like you say is probably more to blame on consumers but I don't see them promoting a game that looks like it won't sell, in other words not having their technical standards
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