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PurplePenguinn Blog

Longing for a Replication of Life in a Game

Would complete immersion into an environment not be the final step in the games industry? The ultimate customization and integration with a living environment outside of earth could be the pinnacle of an alternate reality. So unimpressed with our lives on earth, could we not long to live a life that isn't truly ours; in a game? Is this the only way to find what many of us wish to experience in our lives? A world of peace where honor is valued, or perhaps a world of chaos where valor and success can be gained in ways aside from networks and money. Have you ever wondered if an afterlife could be whatever your mind truly desired? Perhaps upon death we're sent to the world above ours that we've only imagined at night, or wanted to be a part of after coming to the end of a movie or game. Seeing a sample of the land we wish to be a part of. A game offering customization in every aspect to truly replicate the player as an avatar in the game would be a step in the direction. A step farther; a game where not only does your own hair grow, but you can feel the salted breeze coming in from the ocean, or smell the scent of ashes as a fire burns before you. I suppose a life similar to those portrayed in the Matrix. Had I been born generations later if this technology exists, I have no doubt that it would consume me. Why would I want to be a part of a world full of corruption, dishonor, and hate - when I could be in a land of beauty, valor, and peace? Everyone wants to think they have potential to make a difference. Over 7 billion people. It's overwhelming to think that any one of these seven billion people can gain honor and be known. Wars are no longer fought by men; they're fought by machines and bombs set off by governments and groups. Where is the honor in killing people you've never even seen? Not to say that I'm wanting to dive into a fist fight; but is war not supposed to be personal? At least in many tales in the worlds that have been built for our amusement; dieing in battle is honorable. Nerdy or not; I'd rather take being a solider in middle earth, a wizard at Hogwarts, or a nord in Skyrim as opposed to another pawn in the 7 billion-person ruthless race to the top. But as long as I'm here - I'll fight in the only way this world does. I'll play the game that I've been put in - even though I want my own.