The first games I can remember seeing my brother play.. GTA II Starfox Kirby Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past I pretty much had to get my parents to buy me a PSX just to play GTA II. Because when you're 12 years old - you really like running people over and killing crackheads. Important life lessons to be learned in these types of games. When I got my PSX .. I remember GTA II, Crash Bandicoot 2, Crash Bandicoot Warped, Legend of Legaia, Legend of Mana, and the Underground Demo disk I got with the console :P
I havn't played a whole lot of scary games but.. F.E.A.R. and F.E.A.R. 2 definitely had some scary moments. In a dark room only seeing where your flashlight is pointed.. It starts to flicker and you look around (figuring the game developers would have something to scare you) but nothing.. so you look back in front of you to keep walking and !BAM! there's a dead chick two feet from your face. Amnesia: The Dark Descent also has a pretty freaky story. Whereas in F.E.A.R. you won't die from getting the crap scared out of you (it's just a ghost that usually doesn't actually bother you) in Amnesia, if you see footsteps in the water coming close to you - you better pack up and run. It really have a more helpless fear factor - run and don't die; when F.E.A.R. is more "I have 13 guns and can kill anything " but you still get spooked.
I personally think that both the games are phenomenal; and offer different types of experiences - sort of putting them on different levels. In my opinion, I preferred the story of Final Fantasy X above all other games that I've played through to date. However, the open-world of the elder scrolls have allowed me to rack up significantly more game time than Final Fantasy X. Even in the more open world of Final Fantasy XII (which I certainly enjoyed) it could not compare to the vast expanse offered in Oblivion or Skyrim, and the countless explorations available within. Both brands offer great visuals, wonderfully epic stories, and the perfect twists and turns that make them fun - but likely because of Final Fantasy's more linear story line (compared to the Elder Scrolls) I believe it told the best tale. In Oblivion and Skyrim I often found myself not even remembered what the story was; instead off doing side quests way off the trail set before me. Although Final Fantasy offers these side quests, you are never far from having to move forward in what the developers want you to do; thus pushing the story onward so that the seriousness and emotion cannot be forgotten by the player. So which is better? I go more for a strong storyline, so I would have to say Final Fantasy (in particular FFX) .. even though I've logged double the time in Skyrim than I had in FFX. =D
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