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Purple_Wolf51 Blog

Grand Theft Auto IV

Well, GTA 4 is finally here. And I own it! Yay me. Yay all of us!!! Whee! I like Nikko. He is easily the most likeable GTA guy so far, for me anyways. Besides, he's got a cute cousin. Roman!!! My favourite character in the whole game. He's stupid and drunk and a horrible gambler, and he's got a big ego. Reminds me of my uncle, actually, except that his cousin isn't a hitman/rouge car theif/clean-up boy/drug dealer/pimp. Hah, if only I had a cousin that cool. Especially one who could order his own Annihilator helicopter whenever he feels like it. So far I've got a reputation as a pidgeon murderer, even though I would like to kill more of the orange-glowing buggers. I mean, honestly, that one outside Perivzstrokia or however you spell it...grr. I shot the Perivzstroika Pidgeon, and I am NOT sorry.

My one big bone to pick with the game is the policemen. I seriously hate them. I'm getting my butt whooped by some chick whose car I'm....uh, liberating, and I get arrested when I shove her away! Where's the justice in that?! So they shoot me, I headshot a cop and we chase each other around until I blow up my car or loose them. It's very distracting when I have Roman in the car yelling "Hey You!!! Nikko, you can't drive!!! What was that for?! ARGH!!!" Geez, don't get me started on the police. I do however find everything else brilliant, including the Russian hip-hop channel. Ruslana is my favourite DJ and I don't care who knows it!!

Eeesh, I could ramble on all day, but i won't. Too many things to do, too many levels left on Legendary Halo to beat. Damn youse, Ark...*shakes Assault Rifle threateningly* One of these days. Eh, I'm away. Toodles!!!

On Halo 3

Wow. It's actually here. I'm in lurve!!! Hey Chief, you can Master me anytime you like, big boy! Rawr! *cough* Double meanings aside, it's a freaking good game. The graphics are great, and thanks to this little "Git it Calibrated" feature that Sarge talks you through, my picture is now crystal clear. Lol, it's really random at the end. A Grunt does a little dance and everything! My brother and I have both been working our way through the game, one level at a time. I'm playing it on easy first, and my brother thinks I'm mad. So? I've got a good reason. Sure, I've played the other Halos way too many times to remember, but this is a new game, on a new console, with some new changes to how you move MC around. I want to get used to it before I go charging in on Heroic. Not that I haven't tried it already. I've got two 'mission complete' thingies for the first and second missions, a "Fear the Pink Mist" achievement, "Headshot Honcho" and "Used Car Salesman" achievements too. Yeah, I'm boasting. So what? I can be proud of myself, can't I?

Okay, I know I'll probably say something that will ruin the game for those who haven't played it, so ***SPOILER ALERT*** just in case I do screw up. I promise to try and be nice though. As the Piggyback team say, "Spoilers are the work of the Devil." In any case, my favourite level would have to be The Ark. It's got a sniping range, which I just love. And Hunters! And tanks! Who doesn't love an almost-indestructable vehicle that can take out a Phantom with 3 shots? Plus, Little Bro and I just love the Scarab Tank fight towards the end. We played it together in Co-Op on Heroic, using the little laser-Warthog, and few...damn, you really have to try it! It's awesome! The real fun part is fighting over who gets to take the credit for blowing up the power-core. =D It's normally Bro, though...he told on me fo hogging the green remote (little bugger), so I have to play nice. Once to get him back, I "accidentally" hit him with a rocket launcher. I said I was trying to blow up the Wraith near his Warthog, but we both knew what was going down. Don't worry, he got me back good.

We both have Gamertags now, seeing as you can make more than one profile on the Xbox console. Neither of us have ever played Multiplayer online, though, so that sould be an exciting new experience! We did customise our little soldiers. Hours of fun, I assure you. I'm very fussy with colours. But I settled on my "Purple Wolf" gal, and she looks mighty fine. My brother is an Elite (boohissboo) with brown armour called "Jon Quill, relation to the flower, I assure you." Yeah, sure. In case you don't get it, a 'jonquil' is a type of daffodil. I made my brother painfully aware that his 'cool sounding name' was a flower speices, but he said, "How do you know that on Sanghelios that Jon Quill isn't justa name?" I gave him his point, only to stop him going on about how the wolf emblem of mine is white, not purple. He still doesn't get that it's because my armour is purple... But yeah, enough about us.

Must be off, I suppose...big day tomorrow. Helping mum plan for the Australia Day bbq we're hosting. Lamb, lamb and more lamb, with pavlova. Guess who's doing all the cooking this year?

Merry Christmas, one and all!!!

Ah, Christmas. The one time of the year my whole family gets together, to exchange gifts, enjoy each other's company and mellow out with a good old glass of eggnog. Or in my case, a glass of our family's famous "Fire Nog", which I am sure more people than just my family would drink. It's basically brandy mixed in generously with some good old fashioned nog.Mmm...smells like Christmas. Just the sort of drink Santa needs, if he's flown all the was around the world to deliver my presents! Actually, this year I cheated. I already know what I'm getting for Christmas!!

This year, my familyis migrating down south to visit the clan of relatives we have in Melbourne. So, in light of this, my parents decided to let us exchange gifts early. My brother (the little angel that he is) finally relented and forked out some cash on my present. And what a present!!! When I opened it, I suddenly didn't want to leave. He bought me the limited edition of Halo!!! And not just any limited edition, but the one with the mini Master Chief helmet in it!!! I almost died of happiness when I opened it up. So did my brother, because he was near-fatally smothered with an avalanche of kisses.

My mum and dad exchanged knowing glances upon my excitement, and pushed their suspiciously Xbox 360-shaped present over to me. I tentatively unwrapped it and to my surprise, it was a fondu kit! An actual fondu kit! Which wasn't that bad, because I've always wanted a fondu kit. But it was a bit of a let-down, I'll admit. Anyway, we gave our gifts to each other. I gave my mum some Clinique and nice expensive looking diamond-esk earrings and my dad the new fishing rod he's been pining for. My bro received some nice footy-boots and a huge box of chocolates (which I was jealous of until I looked lovingly down at the Master Chief bust clutched to my breast). I gave him the original trilogy of Star Wars, which he went crazy over and demanded to be able to take them with him to Melbourne. But he was denied, and then our last present arrived.

Little Brother and I were puzzled. A joint present? Never have we had such a strange offering! But when they pulled out a hope-to-God Almighty-it's-an-Xbox 360-shaped box, we didn't complain. We ripped off the paper and WOOOHOOO!!!! It was an XBOX 360!!! And not just any Xbox 360, no sir-ree!! It was the Halo edition! Green and orange all the way, babe. Needless to say me and my brostarted fighting over who got the Halo-themed console and who got the boring white one. Merry Christmas, one and all! The air is fresh, the world is wonderful and I have an Xbox 360!!!

~The Purple Wolf

*screams* ARGH! WHY ME???

Okay. Normally, I'm fine with my little brother. I mean, he's not that much littler than me - he's 15, I'm 20 - but just lately he's been getting up my nose. I had to move back in, because my so-called "boyfriend" decided to stop paying his cut of the rent, so we lost our unit. Needless to say he quickly was 'exed' from my program. Anyway, I moved in, my family was happy I was back. It's been three years since I last lived at home (I left the nest pretty early), so my little bro had been getting free reign of the house, appliances, food and love from our parents, and had become accustomed to life without a rival. Now, I'm back, and he's being a little...uh, poop-head. =D I hate politeness.

At first it was fine, I could handle the constant borrowing of my socks and my shampoo, but he crossed the fine line when he took my Halo 3. MY NEW HALO 3. Yeah. He crossed the line alright. Not only crossed it, but grabbed a chainsaw and tore it apart, painted it blue and wrote "Jem sucks the big one whey!!!" all over it. "Oh," you're saying, "What a horrible woman! Getting angry for her little brother taking her video-game. So what?" So what? I'll tell you so what - he took it to school. HIGH SCHOOL. And left it in his bag. He showed his stupid-assed punk buddies, and can you guess what they did? Yep, when I picked him up from school, he casually explained how he'd took my game to show his friends what a cool sister he had. A cool, beautiful sister who wouldn't be mad at him for LOOSING HER BRAND NEW GAME. I am so happy I was still parked when he hit me with that little bombshell. Anyway, I kicked him out of the car and made him walk home, then stormed up to the office and tried to see the principal. He just told me to offer a really big reward and hope it was returned.

Did he ever go through high-school??? You never get anything back from people who steal your stuff!!! Unless I offer a thousand dollars or some half-naked pictures of myself as a reward, I don't think I'll be getting my game back. -sigh- I hadn't even gotten to play it yet (I was waiting for Christmas when my mummy and daddy got me an X-Box 360 *puppy eyes, nudge nudge*). When and if I do get that game back, I am going to whoop his behind in multiplayer. He is going to go down HARD. And then, when he's lying injured on the ground, I'm going to throw a frag grenade at him, then blow him up all over again. *growls*

Uh, yeah..okay.

Hello! I'm Purple Wolf. You can call me whatever you want, I suppose. Hmm. Now, I'm never very good at first posts. I prefer to just get stuck in and talk about whatever I feel like....but first posts always get me. I can't even think of a freaking title. I suppose it doesn't matter, but still. It must be in my programming to be awkward...

Hmm. Wow. I just sat there staring at the word "Hmm" for three minutes. Weird. Darn, this is horrible! Ugh! I should just shut up now. So I a second.Ooooh! I know! I just joined a Union, as you Gamespot people call them. It's called "-The Halo Union-". Real inventive title, I know. But don't let that fool you! It's actually really good. It's got lots of members, and updates, and a big community or something, and it's a "level 15" union. That's a good thing, I'm assuming, because I did just get here and I have NO idea what anything means.

Anyhoo, that leads me to an actual topic that I can write about! HALO!!! Yay, whoopee, celebrations, ect. ect. I like Halo. Do you like Halo? If you answered anything but "Yes" to that question, I think you're weird. Have you ever played Halo? If you answered anything but "Yes" to that question, and you don't like Halo, I forgive you. If you have playedHalo and you still don't like it, I think you're weird. =D No offence to any of you personally, I'm just completley obsessed with Halo. Blame Master Chief and his awesome helmet! It's a personal flaw, I fall in love with anything that is an alien, looks like an alien,has a helmet or is German. Halo isn't German, but it has aliens and alien looking things, plus a dude with a cool helmet. So yeah, three out of four isn't bad.

But yes, I should go know. No, no! It's no use trying to pursuade me othewise. My brother has a rather large assignment for his biology assesment, and I have to go help *coughwriteitentirelycough* him with it. Plus, if I stay any longer, I'll start ranting on about the impossibly high price of the X-Box 360 I need to play Halo 3...yeah. So long, and thanks for reading.

From the Purple Wolf.