Hello! I'm Purple Wolf. You can call me whatever you want, I suppose. Hmm. Now, I'm never very good at first posts. I prefer to just get stuck in and talk about whatever I feel like....but first posts always get me. I can't even think of a freaking title. I suppose it doesn't matter, but still. It must be in my programming to be awkward...
Hmm. Wow. I just sat there staring at the word "Hmm" for three minutes. Weird. Darn, this is horrible! Ugh! I should just shut up now. So I will...in a second.Ooooh! I know! I just joined a Union, as you Gamespot people call them. It's called "-The Halo Union-". Real inventive title, I know. But don't let that fool you! It's actually really good. It's got lots of members, and updates, and a big community or something, and it's a "level 15" union. That's a good thing, I'm assuming, because I did just get here and I have NO idea what anything means.
Anyhoo, that leads me to an actual topic that I can write about! HALO!!! Yay, whoopee, celebrations, ect. ect. I like Halo. Do you like Halo? If you answered anything but "Yes" to that question, I think you're weird. Have you ever played Halo? If you answered anything but "Yes" to that question, and you don't like Halo, I forgive you. If you have playedHalo and you still don't like it, I think you're weird. =D No offence to any of you personally, I'm just completley obsessed with Halo. Blame Master Chief and his awesome helmet! It's a personal flaw, I fall in love with anything that is an alien, looks like an alien,has a helmet or is German. Halo isn't German, but it has aliens and alien looking things, plus a dude with a cool helmet. So yeah, three out of four isn't bad.
But yes, I should go know. No, no! It's no use trying to pursuade me othewise. My brother has a rather large assignment for his biology assesment, and I have to go help *coughwriteitentirelycough* him with it. Plus, if I stay any longer, I'll start ranting on about the impossibly high price of the X-Box 360 I need to play Halo 3...yeah. So long, and thanks for reading.
From the Purple Wolf.