OMG yeah it happened today!! :'( I cried soooooo much.. I would've filled 2 buckets of tears!
Like.. I was in the Mall, and I don't even know when or how I left my Sony Ericsson K810i Cybershot phone somewhere and I found that out when I came back home... ='(
And then when I came home, I was like "Where's my phone?!" And my mom, dad and brothers were staring at me" and then one drop of tear came down my eyes! I dropped all the shopper which were in my hand! I was like "NoOoOo!!" omg tHEN i STARTED CRYING FOR LIKE.. 2 HOURS OR MAYBE MORE. My dad was like "Don't worry.. stop crying" While My mom and one of my brothers were screaming "It was your fault!"!
"You're mad".. said my brother..
I didn't stop crying for a second until 2 hours were complete. lol
My dad say's He'll get me a new phone.. well... OMG no I am soooo sad :'(
My mom later said that "Don't worry.. God wanted this to happened and so it did happen and God wanted the best for you.. Imagine if something even worse happens to you, what would you do? So got just didn't want you to have this phone and yeah.."
I felt kinda better I guess.
:'( :'( :'(