Does anybody know when Rockstar will drop some more double xp time for us? They're being particularly stingy, especially considering how much of a @#$%ing grind the MP is and how miniscule the community is (and it's getting even worse, barren, really). They should show some interest, give some incentive to people who are otherwise, playing other MUCH better MP games (Rockstar just can't do the MP thing correctly - the only exception being the free-roam modes in GTA IV and RDR). It's just... astoundingly frustrating that they have been putting so much time into these games multiplayer modes and providing DLC, when the games are only great because of the excellent MP content. Every DLC for RDR was pretty skimpy and rather.. garbage, UNTIL Undead Nightmare, which was absolutely fantastic.... and very much a single player experience with a coop mode (much preferred to a Rockstar competitive mode). So, back on topic, does anybody know if they have any future plans to give some double XP time?
God, I feel bad for the people who paid $30 upfront for the season pass, which is all MP content except for a supposed coop NYM mode (???). The first and only map pack has already gone on sale, so that 30% savings that the pass promises you is a straight up lie. Why don't they bring something back that is already established AND absolutely amazing - Dead Man Walking mode from Max Payne 2. They could even add coop to that if they wanted and that could make it even better. I played MP2, probably about nine times (I like it a little bit), but I think I probably spent the majority of my time with that glorious DMW mode. I'm going to bring that up on the Rockstar site, I think. I would pay ten bucks for that in a second (and it would be exceedingly easy to program into the game. I bet the PC version already has a mod for it.. damn, wish I upgraded my computer a while back.
And one more question, off topic: you know all of those added modifiers that they added for score attack, like exploding or flaming bullets, aggressive enemies, noir filter, no zoom aiming, etc? Why don't they have those in the story mode or at least bring the modifiers which are puzzlingly ONLY in the story mode chapters (infinite ammo, bullettime and painkillers, one shot kills, extra bullet cam kills, etc, into score attack? They're essentially like the "skulls" from Halo, so why not have them all usable in the same game? The only difference between Story and Score Attack is that one has a score count (derp) and the other has a bunch of extra unskippable cutscenes (story). I've beaten the game three times, guys; I "get" your artistic vision, now let me play the god damn game without sitting through five minutes of story before every chapter.
Feel free to contribute about any of the above subjects or bring up a new one. Any answers would be much appreciated.
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