by Puzzler_Aaron on Comments
I doubt I'll be posting much to this blog, but I thought I'd put something to fill up the page a bit. I thought something fun would to be to put a list of my favorite games and consoles. So here we go. Favorite Games of All Time 1. Tetris (The DS verion is my favorite) 2. Heavy Rain 3. Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion 4. Zelda (Series) 5. Super Smash Bros (Series) 6. Sly Cooper (Series) 7. Uncharted: Drake's Fortune 8. Trauma Center (Series) 9. Professor Layton (Series) 10. Pokemon (Series) Greatest Consoles of All Time 1. Nintendo N64 2. Nintendo Gameboy Advanced 3. Sony PlayStation 2 4. Sony PlayStation 5. Nintendo Gamecube