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Pwnage_Dragon Blog

Need Garrys Mod Help

Ok, so I just got garrys mod a few days ago. I just went online to download a map a minute ago. I downloaded the file onto my steam maps file in my computer, and I still cant play it! How do I get the map and any other future stuff to where i can play it? Help ME!

Banned for rick rolling. LOLz!

I clicked on an apparently fake Portal 2 trailer on youtube and got rick rolled. I thought I could make an awesome joke by putting up a link to it. I got banned for 4 days. So 5 days later, I put up this blog

Why are movies like that?

How come that whenever there's a really good book or game, they just have to put it into movie form, or vice versa, and ruin both? For example; Eragon. The book was good, original storyline, good descriptions of characters and places, and other things I don't feel like talking about right now. Then came the movie. I saw it a few days ago while babysitting some kid. They took out all the good parts and put in some randomly generated, family freindly crap. I wanted to strangle the guy who ruined what could have been a really good movie. It had to be the worst fantasy movie I've seen since that second Dragonheart movie. Anyway, I geuss the point is, all book and/or game based movies suck much ass.

Making faq, need help.

I'm making a faq on The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. If anyone has any info that can help, please message it to me. The faq is of secret place, easter eggs, glitches, etc.

I finally came up with something good!

What do you guys think they should put in The Elder Scrolls V? I'd like them to put in werewolves again. I think they should even allow you to make your own werewolf pack! They should definetly bring back crossbows, throwing weapons and spears. And I think they should let you roam all over Tamriel instead of being restricted to one province, like Cyrodill or Morrowind. Maybe they could even put it on another continent, like Akivir. And I'd definetly like you to be able to go into other planes of oblivion, like Battlespire. And finally, the thing everyone wants; dragons. I know it wouldn't fit in with the games lore, but everyone I know wants them in the next game. This will sound stupid, but maybe there could be a disease that's sort of like vampirism, except it would turn you into a dragon! I just hope if they do, that people won't be stupid and ask for flying mounts. I could come up with more, but I just want to hear what you have to say.

Help Me!!!

Ok, I'm brand new here so take it easy on me. I'm trying to get a stupid picture for my icon but I can't do it cuz I don't know how. If you could please send some instructions to, that would be awesome. But if you just send me a bunch of crap, I will come to your house and I will cut you. Once again, I'm kind of a n00b so take it easy on me.