December '08
by PyreofKoL on Comments
Merry Christmas, all! Speaking of Christmas, I got Left 4 Dead as a present from my fiancee ^_^ I also have been able to pick up a copy of Grand Theft Auto IV. Both games are absolutely amazing! I particularly recommend L4D for a stellar addition to anybody whose collection is multi player focused (like mine), because it's nearly unparalleled in that respect. Furthermore, I've been able renew my XBL Gold and was able to purchase 1600 MSP (which were spent on the new TFU Jedi Temple mission and several DLC packs for Tales of Vesperia). Gaming news aside, my fiancee quit one of her jobs due the fact that they were consistently letting her off at least an hour later than normal for the last two or three weeks. She's doing just fine, however, with her other job. As for New Year's plans, I'm going to a friend's house on New Year's eve and will be having a party at my house on New Year's day :D That's all the news I have for this month :)