PyreofKoL / Member

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February '10

This has been an interesting month. I've got a new gf named Simone, who's great. She doesn't live nearly as far away as my ex, which is nice. As far as new games go, I got BioShock 2 (which is fantastic) and the Point Lookout and Broken Steel DLCs for Fallout 3. Oh, and I reserved a copy of Halo: Reach. That game looks like it's going be awesome! My younger brother also got a PS3 and currently has Little Big Planet, MGS 4 and the original Uncharted. The only one I've played is LBP and that was a lot of fun. The other two don't interest too much. Anyway, the job hunt is still pitching a shutout against me. Hopefully I'll find something soon, though.