January '09
by PyreofKoL on Comments
Heh, well, for once, I don't have a new game to talk about this month :P I DO however, have some great news about my job hunt: I had an interview last Thursday :D I haven't heard anything yet, but I'll be giving them a call on Monday. I do have one minor bit of gaming news at the moment: I am hopelessly addicted to Kingdom Hearts II right now. Some times, if you don't play a good Squeenix game for a while, you forget just how good their story telling and gameplay are. I just picked up KH II again a few days ago and haven't been able to put it down xP That reminds me, I still can't wait for KH 358/2 Days comes out ^_^ Finally, my fiancee is doing really well, minus some unfortunate paycuts that they're having to make at her work place right now.