PyreofKoL / Member

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May '13

Ah, it's that time of the year again. Another birthday has come and gone (27 this year; man I feel old) and the last vestiges of South Carolina's beautiful spring weather have faded into the heat of summer. Gaming wise I picked up only one recent game and three old school favorites. My brother got himself a 3DS and a copy of Mario Kart 7, so I picked up the game too. The racing is solid as ever (although the drifting feels a little nerfed) and the track design is fantastic. The classic titles I picked up are Super Metroid on the Wii U and Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons and Ages on the 3DS. Super Metroid was just thirty cents on the Wii U e-Shop so I figured, "Why not?" I played it once a long time ago, and it's still a lot of fun and really makes you want to explore every nook and cranny. The two Zelda games I mentioned originally came out on the Gameboy Color back in 2001. I picked up Seasons originally not too long after it came out and just fell in love with it. I played it so much that I had every side quest and puzzle memorized. My brother got Ages a little later on and the sheer wealth of content that the connectivity between these two games opened up was simply incredible for a pair of GBC games. I browse the 3DS and Wii U e-Shops regularly and when I saw that these were getting a rerelease I just had to get them. I've also had the opportunity to see the first three big movies of the summer. Iron Man 3 was a bit of a mind screw. The previews did a good job of misdirection and the story caught me off guard a bit. The Great Gatsby was simply wonderful. The cast was fantastic and acted their hearts out, and the stylized production was slick and dazzling all at once. Star Trek: Into Darkness is currently my top movie of the summer. The story is a brilliant reimagining of a classic Trek story line and is brimming with great humor and all sorts of fan service. The returning cast was a delight and Benedict Cumberbatch was just fantastic. Work is going ok. We're short staffed which has given me a lot of hours, but we've hired a bit of summer help and I'll be getting some relief on the weekends, now. As for my gf...well...we ran into a rather difficult problem a few weeks ago. It wasn't something she could help, but we knew it might happen and knew that if it did it'd spell problems for our relationship. That being said, for the first time in three years I find myself a free agent, and I have no idea what to do. My last few relationships have been long, steady ones and I feel kind of lost right now.