Already knew about the candles. That would be a last resort to hold me over if the sensor bar was not fixable. Also works with two remote controls. As for Pie's comment, the wii has an internal sensor as well?
Once the wire to my sensor bar was frayed, my Wii was reduced to nothing more then an expensive paper weight. I feel there was lack of insight on nintendo's behalf to require a wii remote to navigate the console menu. I've heard you can navigate the wii console menu on the classical remote though I don't have one myself so I cant verify this. Anyway, I decided to try to splice the wires but for some reason it was not working for me. Then I ran into this link I was on the right track however, I didn't realize there was additional insulation of the two copper wires. After putting a lighter to them as the instructions say, I had no problem twisting the pair allowing my wii controller to be fully functional again. I suggest you test the bar before taping the wires back up because you may need to put them under the lighter again if it does not work the first time. It's also imperative not to let the exposed wires touch while plugged in as to avoid a shortage. I hope this helps some one else out. Good luck.
Just a heads up, the towel trick worked for me. Hehe, how long will that work? I'm keeping it cooled but I'm afraid to turn it off now lol. The tips on the post helped a lot. Thanx
After hearing of all the horror stories I started to get really worried. Having my 360 for a year and a half now I was pretty certain I was safe. However, 30 min ago I got the dreaded RROD. After making sure my power supply was good I started the process of mailing the system in for repair. Ill try this towel trick to see if i can get some gaming out of her till she leaves. Microsoft's site says it takes about a month to get the system back from the time I mail it in. How long did it take for you guys to get your's back. Anyway, I'm gonna go and be sad now =(. Iv'e been meaning to get a Wii. Now is probably a good time.
I just dont see that happening with TF2 or HL being that FPS's gerneraly dont do very well in the east. However, I think portal would be a hit in japan and sale very will on the Wii. The cake is a lie
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